"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (33 Viewers)

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Someone's IFF wasn't working, for some reason.
I believe the current encrypted version is Mode 5. Anyone know what is on the UKAF F16s? I definitely would not want that to fall into enemy hands.

Equipment can fail, jamming can interfere or completely blanket, or human error can entirely miss interpret symbology with the end result being a fratricide event. The Ukraine military is operating a hodgepodge of equipment and full integrity testing I'm sure is not occurring. All the ingredients are present for events of that type.
Someone's IFF wasn't working, for some reason.
Perhaps it's as simple as that. Colonel Oleksiy "Moonfish" Mes, the pilot who died, while a top grade MiG and Sukhoi driver would still be leaning his crate's systems. Perhaps the IFF was switched off? I know it's only a Sim but in the below vid this looks like something a pilot unfamiliar with the Viper might overlook or get wrong in their preflight check list.

View: https://youtu.be/0URHWkyOV3U?feature=shared&t=34
Perhaps it's as simple as that. Colonel Oleksiy "Moonfish" Mes, the pilot who died, while a top grade MiG and Sukhoi driver would still be leaning his crate's systems. Perhaps the IFF was switched off? I know it's only a Sim but in the below vid this looks like something a pilot unfamiliar with the Viper might overlook or get wrong in their preflight check list.

View: https://youtu.be/0URHWkyOV3U?feature=shared&t=34

It needn't be human error on either end. Equipment failures are a thing. Check out some of the AIB breakdowns on CW Lemoines's Youtube channel -- many of the accidents he analyzes are brought about by equipment failure, and that includes F-16s.

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