"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Of all the weapons systems touted as a game changer, the drone has truly changed the game.

It is the key takeaway from this war. It has taken 80s/90s doctrine and thrown it back into the trenches. It is also energizing the oncoming era of unmanned wingmen.

I'm pretty sure Taiwan looks a much tougher nut to crack nowadays, to the Chinese. Chinese LCACs being attacked by $5000 drones ... yeah, Beijing is worried.
It is the key takeaway from this war. It has taken 80s/90s doctrine and thrown it back into the trenches. It is also energizing the oncoming era of unmanned wingmen.

I'm pretty sure Taiwan looks a much tougher nut to crack nowadays, to the Chinese. Chinese LCACs being attacked by $5000 drones ... yeah, Beijing is worried.
Though on that front:

Though on that front:

I'm sure the Chinese are watching this war. No doubt many nations are working on both developing and addressing drones. I'm not sure how any nation can counter drones-on a cost-effective basis. Drones leverage serious advantages either by being cheap, controlled munitions, or by being cheap, autonomous munitions. Might give a longer life to CIWS. But it greatly complicates air defense.

If Moore's Law is any guide drones will be a problem for all militaries for some time to come.
''...The goal, which Hecker said is backed by U.S. Army Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli, the head of U.S. European Command and the NATO Supreme Allied Commander, is to enable Ukraine's air force to do more joint operations with the country's ground forces.

Despite doubts that Ukraine would be able to maintain the jets, Hecker said Ukrainian maintainers are succeeding. "We've trained a lot of Ukrainian maintainers, and from all accounts, when I talk to the instructors that are training them, they catch on very quickly," Hecker said. "I know they're flying. That's good news


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