"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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When you raise Russian ire, the nuke card comes out
And The Kraken Dima Medvedev is released. Again.

More nuclear blah blah blah from Putin puppets:

The interesting thing here, is that Washington made it extremely clear on several occasions, that if Russia were to use even a single nuke, regardless of type, the consequenves with be "swift and catastrophic".
There is also the fact that two USN AEGIS cruisers are strategically located, one in the Baltic and one off the coast of Greece that are monitoring, plus additional US assets in place in several Eastern countries since 2022 that can either intercept Russian missiles or provide the promised retaliation.
More nuclear blah blah blah from Putin puppets:

The interesting thing here, is that Washington made it extremely clear on several occasions, that if Russia were to use even a single nuke, regardless of type, the consequenves with be "swift and catastrophic".
There is also the fact that two USN AEGIS cruisers are strategically located, one in the Baltic and one off the coast of Greece that are monitoring, plus additional US assets in place in several Eastern countries since 2022 that can either intercept Russian missiles or provide the promised retaliation.

A closer look at Russian politics

Interesting reading but, notably, according to the stats provided, death rates of Russian soldiers are currently at the lowest level since the war began. While the overall losses are still staggering, the reduced ability of Ukraine to at least maintain levels of attrition is concerning (to me at least):

Interesting reading but, notably, according to the stats provided, death rates of Russian soldiers are currently at the lowest level since the war began. While the overall losses are still staggering, the reduced ability of Ukraine to at least maintain levels of attrition is concerning (to me at least):

Another takeaway is that the Russians have pretty much run out of convicts.

It also says something that they're accepting 62-year-olds. It puts the Ukrainian manpower crunch into some perspective, I think.
Interesting reading but, notably, according to the stats provided, death rates of Russian soldiers are currently at the lowest level since the war began. While the overall losses are still staggering, the reduced ability of Ukraine to at least maintain levels of attrition is concerning (to me at least):

Of course, open data should be treated with a grain of salt. As for BBC/Meidazona (and other open sources' attempts to estimate the losses), there are two important "grains", at least:
1. They receive the data with a time lag of weeks and months. Summer data is not complete yet.
2. Russian authorities are trying to limit the availability of such open data and doing their best to close the leaks, one after another. If/when authorities succeed, the quality of open data goes down.
Of course, open data should be treated with a grain of salt. As for BBC/Meidazona (and other open sources' attempts to estimate the losses), there are two important "grains", at least:
1. They receive the data with a time lag of weeks and months. Summer data is not complete yet.
2. Russian authorities are trying to limit the availability of such open data and doing their best to close the leaks, one after another. If/when authorities succeed, the quality of open data goes down.

Don't disagree. There's also a pattern of Aug/Sep losses being lower than other months, perhaps signifying exhaustion at the end of the summer fighting season.

To your second point, that only really impacts the actual total numbers. Russia hasn't changed its censorship of society since the invasion (because they'd already eliminated the free press. However, they can't hide gravestones or family announcements on state-approved social media. Thus, even if the totals are low, the trends over time are probably accurate enough.

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