have been reading the big show by pierre clostermann and in it he describes a fight between christien martell in his spitfire IX and an fw190 A6 of it was thought JG2 that was painted yellow all over, this occured on 27 july 1943 on an escort mission to bomb Triqueville aifield.
does anyone have any information on this fw190 its markings and its pilot as i'm thinking of modelling it along with martell's spitfire at some time in the future.
in the book he describes both pilots going head on to each other with martell blowing up the fw in midair, at first it was thought that von graff was the pilot of the yellow 190 but was ruled out and then it was thought to be Oesau.
any info would be appreciated
does anyone have any information on this fw190 its markings and its pilot as i'm thinking of modelling it along with martell's spitfire at some time in the future.
in the book he describes both pilots going head on to each other with martell blowing up the fw in midair, at first it was thought that von graff was the pilot of the yellow 190 but was ruled out and then it was thought to be Oesau.
any info would be appreciated