all yellow fw190 A6

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have been reading the big show by pierre clostermann and in it he describes a fight between christien martell in his spitfire IX and an fw190 A6 of it was thought JG2 that was painted yellow all over, this occured on 27 july 1943 on an escort mission to bomb Triqueville aifield.
does anyone have any information on this fw190 its markings and its pilot as i'm thinking of modelling it along with martell's spitfire at some time in the future.
in the book he describes both pilots going head on to each other with martell blowing up the fw in midair, at first it was thought that von graff was the pilot of the yellow 190 but was ruled out and then it was thought to be Oesau.
any info would be appreciated
Hi Rochie,

>have been reading the big show by pierre clostermann and in it he describes a fight between christien martell in his spitfire IX and an fw190 A6 of it was thought JG2 that was painted yellow all over, this occured on 27 july 1943 on an escort mission to bomb Triqueville aifield.

I just found this reference in Flight Global: 1958 | 1- - 0693 | Flight Archive

Not that it helps much, but it mentions some other exotic colour schemes ... :)


Henning (HoHun)
Hi Rochie,

>cheers Henning will look later on when not on office computer

I just found some colour profiles, though from my limited French I'd say the author does not consider his hypothetical profiles realistic:


It seems the identity of wing commander "Major von Graff", holder of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds, appears yet undetermined.


Henning (HoHun)
Hohun, I have John Weal's book indentifiing that as Herrman Graf's plane when he was with Jagderganzungsgruppe Ost (Operational Fighter Training Wing East) in the summer of 1943.

That last pic could be a factory line-up as numbers were sometimes placed on the cowling.

Whats interesting is the yellow profile has codes for NJG 101 - that is what G3+ was used for.
Hi Njaco,

>Hohun, I have John Weal's book indentifiing that as Herrman Graf's plane when he was with Jagderganzungsgruppe Ost (Operational Fighter Training Wing East) in the summer of 1943.

Hm, that's interesting as "Graf" and "von Graff" are very close, and since Graf continued to fly combat sorties after being officially grounded after the "fighter pilots' conspiration", it's conceivable that he might also have flown combat sorties while serving with an Ergänzungsgruppe.

However, it's still confusing as he was not shot down and killed at the date given by Clostermann, and if he had only been shot down, there'd hardly been an obituary in the press.


Henning (HoHun)
I agree.

I have no idea how to read French so I don't know what that site states but one other monkey wrench in the mix is there were factory protection flights - like for Erla - that sometimes saw combat. Its possible.........

....being officially grounded after the "fighter pilots' conspiration",....

Wasn't that in Jan 1945 or a month or two earlier? I don't think in the summer of '43 there was any revolt by the pilots as such. That is when Closterman said this event took place, summer '43?

EDIT: Just re-read your post. Forget that. I see your point. :)

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