Some things from Bodie's book about P-47s: in 1st half of 1943 in stateside (USA), there were two 'overtrained' fighter groups, featuring P-38s, namely the 20th and 55th. Col. Hough*, of the 8th FC, went to Gen. Hunter and remarked the deficiencies of the P-47 to perform long range work. Hunter did not, so Bodie writes, asked any of those fighters, neither from Spaatz nor from Arnold.
(he didn't asked that from Eaker; my op.)
Bodie goes further to claim Hunter was enjoining the 'Merry England', rather than to cater to the needs of his subordinates. Contrary to that, Gen Kenney (5th Air force) was clamoring for more P-38s on weekly basis.
*Hough went to adapt the P-47s to carry drop tanks from mid 1943