Sal Monella
Airman 1st Class
Soren gets credit first off as the "father" of this genre of post.
Ladies and gentlemen. In the left ring, whatever Spitfire you choose that became operational up through the conclusion of the year of our Lord, 1945.
In the right ring, whatever F8-F Bearcat you choose that became operational in the year of our Lord, 1945.
Air to air combat at 10,000, 20,000 and 30,000 feet.
May the best plane win and the loser endure a quick and painless death!
Sal Monella
Ladies and gentlemen. In the left ring, whatever Spitfire you choose that became operational up through the conclusion of the year of our Lord, 1945.
In the right ring, whatever F8-F Bearcat you choose that became operational in the year of our Lord, 1945.
Air to air combat at 10,000, 20,000 and 30,000 feet.
May the best plane win and the loser endure a quick and painless death!
Sal Monella