How should the British carrier-borne 'torpedo-fighter' looked like for post-1945, so it is an actually useful aircraft? Obviously, it needs to be capable to carry a torpedo (doh), with performance when clean at least as good to hold it's own vs. late-ww2 fighters, with acceptable handling, visibility over the nose and maneuverability. Let's recall that Hellcat was rated for the heavy Mk.13 torpedo (among it's other qualities), so the new TF will need to at least beat the latest Hellcat.
The TF is still a tail-dragger, 1-seater, piston engine power as it is available historically in the UK from 1944/45 on, with folding wings, 4 x 20mm cannons as guns' armament.
The TF is still a tail-dragger, 1-seater, piston engine power as it is available historically in the UK from 1944/45 on, with folding wings, 4 x 20mm cannons as guns' armament.