American and German Aircraft markings...

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Oct 31, 2006
I'm looking for a good and extensive web site that has WWII U.S. and German aircraft markings/ Coat of arms/ Nose art as well as fighter group designation and registry...Can anyone point me to the right links?
Trust me...I tryed Google. Came up with sixteen pages of books for sale, a couple of lame sites that where all text and no help, and ebay listings...
Tryed Dogpile, not much better.
Tryed MSN search, even worse!
Tryed, ask jeeves, hotbot, you name it.

Its not so much that, there is no one website that has all the items your asking for. There is not even a book that does all that. There are multiple books and they can go for between 60 and a 100 dollars. So the question you asked is a little extreme to some that have done this for a while

Hope the links above help


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