American Beaufighter info request

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Staff Sergeant
Mar 18, 2009
St Joseph, Missouri
Looking to build an American Beaufighter Nightfighter and need help with some photos:

Radar operator's station interior
Armament bays
Filler caps,refueling etc.
Wheel well details

Anything you have of these areas will be put to good use.

Andy, have a look at my Beaufighter build in the MTO Group Build threads. There are some pics of the actual radar installation, and of course the model version. I should have some pics on file if you need them, but it'll take a day or two to sort them, as I'm behind on some things at the moment.
For more detailed info on the radar fit, i'd need to know which Mark of Beau you're after; the layout was basically the same, but the monitor set, and it's screens, were different.
You should be able to find most of what you want in the Modellers Data File No 6 Bristol Beaufighter.
I've posted some pics and info in Dirkpitt's thread on Reverase Lend Lease Beaus in the Modelling section, showing both versions of radar 'nose' on the MkVIf's turned over to the USAAF. Radar used was the original AI Mk1, and the centimetric MkVII, the latter in theb 'thimble' nose. I should have pics of both sets, and how they were fitted, if you can let me know which one you want.
I just spent the better part of the day looking at your build. Fantastic work, love it !!!
How do you expect me to compete with that?

I am planning on doing one of the Mark VIf's. Any further detail pictures of the above would be appreciated.
Thanks again! They were all MkVIf's, but some had the 'thimble' nose with the centimetric radar. I suspect more of these would have been used than the earlier VIf with the AI Mk1. From what I remember, many of the unit's operations were at medium to (relatively) low level, where the MkVIII radar would be more effective.
The kit has parts for the thimble nose, and the interior is good enough. I'll post a pic of the radar set etc here soon.
Thanks. I'll be happy to get whatever I can as info is fairly sparse on the radar station.
Do you have anything on the weapons bays?
Just got the book "Beaufighters in the Night" and am excited about getting started on the build and the book.
I think I have a pic of the cannon bays in the belly, on one side. Not much to see, just two cannon recievers and the belt feed chutes. I've got a couple of cutaways too, which might give an idea of the wing mounted mg installations.
I'll post something in the next couple of days.
I think I have a pic of the cannon bays in the belly, on one side. Not much to see, just two cannon recievers and the belt feed chutes. I've got a couple of cutaways too, which might give an idea of the wing mounted mg installations.
I'll post something in the next couple of days.
Don't think the computer's age will affect things H. Mine was totally rebuilt about five weeks ago, so is more or less brand new. There's a few glitches with the forum by the look of things, which are happening intermittently - you're probably just lucky so far!
Here you go.
First pic (PDF) is from squadron Signal 'Beaufighter in Action', and the only shot I've found so far of the cannon bay.
The rest are from my own pics, of the Duxford Beau under restoration.
The pics of the radar and diagram are from 'Aircraft of 100 group.
The diagram shows the installation for both sets, the first pic is the earlier AI Mk1, second is the AI MkVIII, in this instance in a Mosquito. Installation in the Beau was the same as the Mk1 above.
You should find the Tamiya kits cockpit acceptable, maybe with a few additions in the way of throttle levers etc. Note that the radar operators seat would be swivelled to the rear when in use, facing the monitor.
The 'boxes' on the floor are the ammunition tanks for the four 20mm cannons, which fed via curved chutes, through the 'floor', to the weapon's recievers. (Mk1 Beaus were drum fed, loaded from inside the fuselage.)
I've got various internal shots, but they are a mix of Mark numbers, including the Aussie Mk21, patched together to make one airframe! For internal details, exhausts etc, just refer to my 1/32nd scale model - it's easier than me having to find the relevant pics for the details, as there are bits all over the place!


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