American Muscle; the T-28 Trojan

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Good stuff Grant. I've always liked the Trojan / Fennec - which has reminded me to finish the Fennec conversion of the (very) old Monogram kit !
Very cool. I painted a canvas for the owner of a Fennec called "Out of Africa" here in Mass. many years again. Very pretty Sand and tan camo.
The Duxford one was known as 'Little Rascal'. It looks great in its warpaint. I do like the Trojan; it's a real performer and the guy I chatted to that operates the T-28C I photographed said that it can match the P-51D in performance at low altitude.
For years I wondered why no one had tried to use the T-28 as a basis for an Unlimited racer. Then a friend of mine had a dismantled T-28 at his hangar that a friend was restoring and he pointed out that it had nothing but round head rivets, not flush rivets. Replacing all those rivets with flush ones would be a huge job.

Speed was not a design requirement for that airplane.

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