AMT/Ertl Douglas A-20G 1/48 scale

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Senior Airman
Sep 28, 2009
AMT/ERTL Douglas A-20G
Some people may remember the old Douglas Aircraft Company for their famous DC-3 airliner and its C-47 variant. However, on Oct. 26, 1938 they flew the prototype of a military plane that by Sept. 20, 1944 reached a production of 7,478 examples. Well liked by its pilots and crews, A-20s featured two reliable 1,600 HP Wright Double Cyclone 14 cylinder, radial air-cooled engines with two-speed superchargers spinning 11' 3'' propellers allowing it to max out at 317 MPH, cruising at 230 while hauling 2,000 of bombs.
The U.S. put it in the "Attack" category and it was the 20th​ type adopted. The British named it the "Boston" in an attempt to curry favor with the then U.S. Ambassador to England, Joseph P. Kennedy. (Yes – JFK's dad.) Of course, the type went through modifications and improvements with major types indicated by progressive alphabet designations. This is the "G" type.
Serving with the U.S. forces, as well as those of France, England, South Africa, Australia, and Holland, the Soviet Union got 3,125 and liked them for torpedo attacks on German shipping in the Baltic. In the Pacific they flew tree-top level attack missions; while in Europe, because of fierce enemy AA fire, they bombed at medium altitudes – 10-15,000 feet.
.This is the A-20G version, first made in June 1942, armed with nine .50 caliber machine guns.
This is the 1/48 scale AMT/ERTL kit first released in 1994. My model was the 1996 re-release that I got in a raffle last October.
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