Any Aircraft

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MacArther said:
Yes, there would be extreme torque with the I-16 typ 24, but that could be rectified with the proper trim of the airleons (spl?) and possibly adding armor or other weights (such as guns or more ammo) could also solve this problem.
and what about the fuel? a tubby little plane wont hold enough good fuel for such a hungry 2000hp engine
heck we're making up our own planes here, i don't think the issue of how realistic our fuel consumption is is our main concern when it comes to accuracy :lol:
and the fact that your 3 yrs older than me? sorry cause i've had too much english class cause its almost my exams
The 109D did have a 2000 hp engine. The Jumo 213A on the D-9 was rated to 2100 PS with MW-50 boost (40 min worth @ 10 minutes maximum) and the Jumo 213F on the D-12 was rated to 2050 PS with MW-50.

And if you wan't more guns, the D-12 had a Mk 108 30mm cannon and 2 MG 151/20s. The D-13 had 3 20mms.
And with C3 fuel it was 2100 + PS, and coupled with a compressor it was 2240 PS.
Normal takeoff: 1,755 PS
Takeoff w/ increased boost pressure : 1,900 PS (Start u. Notleistung)
Emergency w/ MW50 and B4: 2,100 PS. (Notleistung mit MW50)
Special emergency w/ MW50 and C3: 2,100 + PS (Sonder Notleistung)
Special emergency w/ Compressor, C3 and MW50: 2,240 PS (Sonder Notleistung mit A Lader als Bodenmotor)


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Looking at he Buchon and P40, then at the Mustang; I wonder, could the outer 2 .50's have been made to fire through the propellor? - and maybe an extra hub-mounter for good luck?

BTW loomaluftwaffe, there's nothing wrong with my English - my keyboard however is another matter! :lol:

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