This is my first post. I signed up to get a look at these Pilot's Notes so that I could get in good with my father-in-law - his dad flew a Spitfire MkV over Malta. Anyway, I've downloaded the file (it's about 26MB) and whether I open with Preview or Adobe 9 I get the same result: the first two pages (cover and inside cover) are crystal clear and perfect. After that the pages are basically unreadable to me - like trying to read without one's glasses - all the text seems blurry / furry - I can't really describe it. Is it like this for everyone else? I did notice that while the file is a PDF, the individual pages seem to be JPGs. Any help would be appreciated - Thanks.
PS I may have joined specifically for this, but I've been lost in reading the other posts for hours - what a fantastic community!