I was driving home from work today at around 04:00 I turned on the radio and the news was on, the girl announced 40 years and 10 minutes ago Apollo 11 touched down on the moons surface. It bought back the memory of as a 15 year old me sitting up all night to watch this fantastic event, Only 8 years earlier the world had been stuned by Yuri Gagarin becoming the first man in space even at the age of 7 it was incredible we only saw spacemen in the movies or comic books now a guy had actually been up there.
To see only 8 years later the historic event of Apollo 11 landing on the moon live on TV was breath taking "one forward, down one" it was so exciting everyone new how dangerous it was, and the risks and techknowledgy that it had taken to get to this point. The Excitment didnt stop, the first step the live pictures and the one chance to leave, one glitch in all those circuits and the LEM would be marooned on the lunar surface with the crew waiting to die.
My grandmother lived too 103 in her life time she said the things that she remembered most apart from 2 world wars was the first powered flight,Yuri Gagarin and Apollo 11
I still think Apollo11 ranks as my most memorable event and the Saturn 5 the most spectacular flying machine ever invented. And the Space race has to be one of the USA's greatest peacetime endeavours