That is obviously untrue. Just last night I was watching a interview with a Tiger tank commander, he said his tank and others broke down frequently, and that they waited for repairs "until the end of the war". He was talking about late in the defense of Normandy.
No it is definitely not untrue ! Only Tiger-II's had reliability problems from 44 and onwards !
The Panthers teething problems had been solved shortly after the Kursk battle (43), while at the same time the Tiger-I's were getting very reliable.
There was one problem though, if one DID brake down, the spear parts were very hard to get a hold of quickly.
All tanks broke down frequently. As I recall, the MTBF of the Sherman in typical operation was about 1300 miles, for the Panther, it was about 400 miles, and for the Tiger I, about 100 miles. Failure being defined as any repair that could not be made by the crew in half an hour - i.e., a track link replacement was not counted.
And that is the Biggest lie ever made about those tanks !
The Panther was VERY reliable after its problems from the Kursk battle had been solved, and the Tiger-I also became very reliable from then on.
The Tiger-II however was not so reliable, its gearbox would frequently break, as it couldnt handle all the weight. The Engine however had no problem pulling the tank, but the Gearbox wich was designed for the 25 ton lighter Panther just couldnt cope with the much extra weight put on it.
I think the crankers were not in a great position to see and properly aim the gun![]()
Well they are.
Seriously, do you think 2-3 men can aim the gun effectively?
I don't think they could, I know they could.
For a main gun on a tank that is probably true
No for a tankgun this actually isnt true, wich the Soviets learned the hard way.
but for AA guns I don't believe it one bit. There is just no way a gun can be aimed as effectively by commitee as by one gunner.
Well then you go ahead and believe what you wanna believe, but this is the truth ! If electrically driven AA guns were both faster AND more accurate, then there wouldnt be any Crank driven ones made ! Simple as that.
Again, watch the movie - it is pretty darn clear the German small field AA was damn ineffective. So much so that the Tempests virtually ignore it.
That movie proves nothing, as its only 'one' movie and most probably a "staged" one.