"...the French were innocent victims who did not deserve (as you seem to believe) to be invaded by one of the most barbaric and oppressive regimes since the dark ages simply because they were not prepared to win such a war, by prepared I mean physically and not emotionally."
Pray for peace, prepare for war. Anything less is head-in-the-sand delusion, pattle.
Please - don't presume to state what I "seem" to believe, as I have never stated that France deserved to be invaded. What I have stated is that the collapse of France in 1940 is not surprising given the chain of events - and manpower losses - from the Revolution until 1918. This chain of events was compounded by an inflated sense of the value of French "culture" and love of empire.
".... passive people who mind their own business and don't set out to push overs around are weak". There is a difference between peace-loving and passive people. Peace requires sacrifice and hard work .... as Canadians well know after 1914-18 and 1939-45.
"... I am one such passive person but if anyone tries pushing me around then I will rip off their head and sh1t down the hole." Interesting .... given the situation in both the UK and Greece these days, pattle, I'm curious ...... would you say you're spending more time rippin' or sh1ttin' ....
Proud Canadian
Pray for peace, prepare for war. Anything less is head-in-the-sand delusion, pattle.
Please - don't presume to state what I "seem" to believe, as I have never stated that France deserved to be invaded. What I have stated is that the collapse of France in 1940 is not surprising given the chain of events - and manpower losses - from the Revolution until 1918. This chain of events was compounded by an inflated sense of the value of French "culture" and love of empire.
".... passive people who mind their own business and don't set out to push overs around are weak". There is a difference between peace-loving and passive people. Peace requires sacrifice and hard work .... as Canadians well know after 1914-18 and 1939-45.
"... I am one such passive person but if anyone tries pushing me around then I will rip off their head and sh1t down the hole." Interesting .... given the situation in both the UK and Greece these days, pattle, I'm curious ...... would you say you're spending more time rippin' or sh1ttin' ....
Proud Canadian
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