Australian Beaufort Manuals

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I'm just thankful they're here in the first place
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Okay MiTasol
I am not ashamed should I be?
I am just a guy who collects aircraft parts for the time being. One day I hope to own a restoration facility and museum but for now I'm doing what I can. I dont have a Beaufort or anything its just a goal.
Actually its that group that has inspired me to acquire and restore a Beaufort, long shot I know but I thought the first step would be acquire as many manuals as possible and get as much info on the aircraft which will no doubt include a few trips to Caboolture.
And also I apologize for offending you with the Descriptive Manual business, I owe you a great debt just for sharing. I'm not sure if anyone else had this trouble but it was out of order for me, starts on Chapter 4 or something instead of a title page or contents and seams to jump around randomly after that. :/
Maybe if you could send me a copy it might work and that'd be amazingly helpful.
Not sure what you mean by sandpit Caboolture maybe, not sure but I don't have the original a hard to find piece if their ever was one.
If I was from their group I would proudly tell everyone lol. Good to see the manuals in the right hands though they need it more than us.
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
My apologies AusBeufortGroup
From the GROUP in your tag I took you to be a GROUP and therefore probably the Melbourne group that own the oldest remaining Beaufort, T9552/A9-13. They are commonly called the sandpit because their site is a sandy corner of an airport,
They have the original of the manual I posted.
They also have the worlds only Kittystang (P-40 fuselage on P-51 wings)
If you print the Beaufort manual (all the files) you will find it makes more sense than just looking at one file on the computer
Here is part three and the index and size data for the fold outs to come
Hi all, new here. Thanks for posting this manual - fantastic! Just wondering if there was anywhere that had the foldouts from this manual, seems a couple of them are illustrations of sections of the plane I need for trying to identify components in wrecks.

Thanks again for posting this information, a great resource
Managed to reverse the order of pages.
Hope this helps make them easier to read..


  • decriptive_part1_reversed.pdf
    61 MB · Views: 548
  • descriptive_part2_reversed.pdf
    67.2 MB · Views: 549
  • descriptive_part3_reversed.pdf
    52.2 MB · Views: 559
Hi all, new here. Thanks for posting this manual - fantastic! Just wondering if there was anywhere that had the foldouts from this manual, seems a couple of them are illustrations of sections of the plane I need for trying to identify components in wrecks.

Thanks again for posting this information, a great resource

Hi Maticash

I have to admit to forgetting all about these posts (and suffering severe embarrassment).
I will have to re-find the scans and hope like hell I have them on a backup disk.
To make life easier, if I find them, I will repost the whole manual section by section
Hi Maticash

I have to admit to forgetting all about these posts (and suffering severe embarrassment).
I will have to re-find the scans and hope like hell I have them on a backup disk.
To make life easier, if I find them, I will repost the whole manual section by section

Awesome - thanks! Thanks so much, even if you don't find them what you have posted so far is fantastic
I will try again to do the foldouts soon and will hopefully post another version of the same Beaufort Descriptive manual about the same time (I am scanning it at present and where the foldouts are identical this will help as many of the foldouts from the first are less than clean thanks to Officeworks who scanned them


  • XWF~0000.jpg
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Well I got my finger out at last and have assembled all the split scans so that I can actually assemble the whole manual. I am missing Section 4A Chapter 4 Figure 2 so if anyone out there has a copy with that page please PM me.

I have again broken the manual into 3 parts (Sections 0 to 4, 4A and 5 to 9) and am posting Section 4A first as it has the most diagrams. At 232 pages it covers roughly 50% of the total pages.

I have included all the diagrams original size but put in the blank reverse of the page using the standard 215 x 330mm of the text pages. I expect most people who print any part of it will select fit to page but for those who want detail the option to print the page bigger is retained.

As always the pages are watermarked to prevent unscrupulous scum selling copies.

EDIT Sections 1 to 4 added - 140 pages


  • S4A ww2ac.pdf
    20.9 MB · Views: 186
  • Beaufort manual fold-out page sizes.pdf
    11.6 KB · Views: 167
  • S0-4 ww2ac.pdf
    13.1 MB · Views: 182
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I have been using Adobes Clearscan OCR (which is supposed to thicken the letters before scanning them and produce a better OCR result) for the first time on this manual and have just realised that it also thickens every dust spec on the page. I will redo sections 5-9 without Clearscan as I have only just started those parts.

If anyone has problems with sections 1 through 4A let me know and I will recreate the file using regular OCR

Section 5 to 9 added - 192 pages. OCRd with regular OCR. Section 7 Chapter 2 Figure 3 is missing according to the List of Illustrations but I think it was never issued. It is the wing tip which is shown on figure 2. There are other places where the List of Illustrations and the actual Figure titles are different so I know from that the proof reading was pretty ordinary.


  • S5-9 ww2ac.pdf
    4.4 MB · Views: 161
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Just had a good win.

There was an Aus Beaufort manual advertised on a fleabay wannabee site so I waited until the last minute and put in the minimum bid.

It just arrived and surprise surprise it has been amended 4 times and includes some of the amendment paperwork.



I will scan and post asap
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