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How about doing the same for this quiz? It's easier that way



Hi Krabat,

Tried to join that site earlier this year, but there was a language barrier at one point in the process that I couldn't hurdle. E-mailing the answers didn't work either. If you've managed to join, I'd be more than happy to help, if I can!
How about doing the same for this quiz? It's easier that way



Hi Krabat,

This is one interesting aircraft from that site...

Turns out that it's a LATECOERE 299. The photo they used, is at the bottom of this site...

Translated version of http://www.airwar.ru/enc/spyww2/late299.html

This one...

Is the Liore-et-Olivier H-43Hy.3 three seat ship-borne scout and reconnaissance floatplane. Photo from this site...

France Sea Planes


...is the CarterCopter...

CarterCopter Technology Demonstrator on CarterAviationTechnologies.com

ONE to go...
Its odd, but the engine has the look of the RAF 1A as used on the RE 8 and BE 2 but it doesn't have enough cylinders. Anyone know of a similar engine with exposed cylinders and an upper air intake? The airframe itself seems to have a bit of a look of the SE 5 about it, but isn't one. Very mysterious, but I would date the design between 1917 and 1922.
I feel that it's not an ex-military biplane, but rather a light civil biplane. The English "hands off" sign and the "LTD" prompted me to concentrate on a British civil biplane, but now I'm even doubting that. It may be from another country altogether, and times running out.

The "LTD" on the starboard fuselage could be an airline, but so far all I can find is "INSTONE AIR LINE LTD" that operated DH-4s...

I also found a 'slightly' similar Westland Limousine, but remembered that AviaQuiz is asking for MANUFACTURER and DESIGNATION.

Also looked at trying to identify the MUSEUM which would provide an inventory. For that I tried to find what that red jet(?) in the background was...

But, alas Mr Google and I are no longer communicating effectively.
The red one is an ex-Red Arrows (or representative) Hawker Siddeley Gnat T.1. I only wish that was the question

Using that I will have another look

Damn, no it isn't, the nosewheel is too far forward in relation to the windscreen.
Yes, I would agree graeme. Sadly I *have* heard of the BP P6, but still wouldn't have got it
And we have a new one (look at Waynos' post from May 27th). For me it's the Nord 1500 Griffon. Am I right?

Yes, thats my answer too. It threw me when that old picture changed when it did on the website making my guess look silly
Looks like an above rear view of a delta winged aircraft, possibly fighter. (though maybe not judging by the size of the fuselage relative to the wing)
Looks like an above rear view of a delta winged aircraft, possibly fighter. (though maybe not judging by the size of the fuselage relative to the wing)

Good ideas Chris! Large delta, long thin fuselage and single(?) fin. Not the B-58, again?
Yes, definitely correct.......but

"Looking For: Manufacturer, Designation, and Name. "


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