Aviation Art

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Feb 13, 2007
Hi guys,

I've seen this forum and finallly decided to join up.

I'm an artist mainly concentrating with WW2 aviation commissions/works, although I do paint other subjects, too.

Look forward to joining discussions and maybe sharing some ideas with you.

Thanks, Evan. ''Night Strike'' was inspired by the navigator who flew this particular ship on that famous Tokyo mission. Think my proudest moment was when the radar operator contacted me and purchased a print. When veterans enjoy your work, the people who were actaully there, it really does make you feel you have accomplished something worth while.

DerAdler: thanks for the welcome.

Bp-Kaal: thank you! Lighting is very much a prime concern when producing my art. I never want a straight forward airplane study, but try to make it as visually atmospheric as possible. You bet, a 109 will be on the cards. I just did one with a Spitfire for a private commission, but it probably isn't the way you would like to see it........it's a smoker! I have been planning a 262 piece for a while, maybe in graphite; must get round to that.

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