"Awaiting the Ami's" a small diorama of infantrymen

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I used baking powder and pressed areas down to appear packed. I built this model 6 years ago has yet it has not yellowed. I will get a container of Soft Flake and try it out. I assume the snow is HO scale and wonder if they have it in other scales. Thanks for the tip.
I used baking powder and pressed areas down to appear packed. I built this model 6 years ago has yet to yellow. I will get a container of Soft Flake and try it out. I assume the snow is HO scale and wonder if they have it in other scales. Thanks for the tip.
Correction: I used Baking soda and pressed areas down to appear packed. I built this model 6 years ago has yet it has not yellowed. I will get a container of Soft Flake and try it out. I assume the snow is HO scale and wonder if they have it in other scales. Thanks for the tip.
Correction: I used Baking soda and pressed areas down to appear packed. I built this model 6 years ago has yet it has not yellowed. I will get a container of Soft Flake and try it out. I assume the snow is HO scale and wonder if they have it in other scales. Thanks for the tip.
Correction: I used Baking soda and pressed areas down to appear packed. I built this model 6 years ago has yet it has not yellowed. I will get a container of Soft Flake and try it out. I assume the snow is HO scale and wonder if they have it in other scales. Thanks for the tip.
They didn't give the scale on the package. But it looked fine when I put it on a 1/35 scale diorama, and was very easy to use. The theme was "General Winter" and the horrendous snowstorms that stopped the Germans in their tracks just before Moscow. I don't know if these pics will give you a good enough look: photography is another of my non-talents.View attachment 247114View attachment 247116

Good stuff. I've just found it for sale in the UK prices at around £11.00. Will give that a go along with the baking soda when i get around to building Ehrlers ME109.

Cheers Chris
Chris, I might add that my baking soda was old and had absorbed moisture due that I live in a humid climate. This causes the soda to lump and gives another dimension to snow, also can easily be granulated as first purchased.

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