B-17 Recognition Lights Panel

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Sep 1, 2008

I am new to the forum and have just started to learn about WWII aircraft. I am particularly interested in B-17s and the Memphis Belle.

A merchant on eBay is offering an IFF Recognition Lights panel supposedly designed for B-17s:

eBay Motors: WWII B-17 IFF/FRIEND/FOE RECOGNITION 3 SWITCH (item 170256026900 end time Sep-03-08 18:08:42 PDT)

Is anyone familiar with this part? Was it actually used in B-17s, especially the B-17F?

The seller claims that the part is shown in "Army drawing 42D5051 dated 6/17/1942", but can't provide me a link to a copy.

Does anyone have a copy of that drawing or a photo showing this part in a B-17?

I really appreciate any assistance you can offer.

Thanks, Dan

PS: I hope this is posted in the correct place!
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