B-24 Details

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RAF Liberators

Airman 1st Class
Apr 17, 2009
Englishman in NZ
Hi all
I'm going to be building another 1/48 B-24 but I want to make this one a full cutaway including wing spars, ribs, interior detail etc. What I'm looking for is details, photos, drawings etc of any part of the B-24. While I have a lot of photos of the B-24 and manuals etc things like fully detailed drawings/plans, detailed interior photos are something I lack.
Please if you have anything could you send it to me at "gary at rafb24 dot com", post it here or on my site (please delete this bit if it contradicts site policies) Login (you'll need to be a registered user to do this though).
I'll keep you all updated with any progress :D
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Thanks for the info, I have this which is something I've been working on for years. I can't remember where it originally came from. I'm hoping for some photos of the real thing, a cutaway like this is nice but it's getting it in perspective that I'm after.


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