b-24 manuals flint michigan library

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Senior Airman
Mar 19, 2007
over the hill and far away
Hi All,
Doing one of my usual web trawls for manuals and came across this.
Wish my local library kept stuff like it..


Search Results
3 titles matched: Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation.

Main LibraryCody Branch North Flint Branch West Flint Branch

1. Airplane general, B-twenty four bombardment airplane : service and instruction manual Click to see all copies

by Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation.
the Corporation, c1944.
Call #: 623.74 Co

2. Hydraulics, B-twenty four bombardment airplane : service and instruction manual Click to see all copies

by Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation.
the Corporation, c1943.
Call #: 623.74 Co

3. Power plant, B-twenty four bombardment airplane : service and instruction manual Click to see all copies

by Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation.
the Corporation, c1944.
Call #: 623.74 Co

Flint Public Library Catalog
You should try "Worldcat" = anybody from Dayton Ohio that likes photocopying ? :):)8)

Results for 'su:Airplanes, Military Handbooks, manuals, etc.' > 'Curtiss-Wright Corporation' [WorldCat.org]

Results 1-5 of about 5 (.16 seconds) First Prev 1 Next
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Handbook of overhaul instructions for the models P-36A and P-36C pursuit airplanes manufactured by Curtiss Aeroplane Division, Curtiss-Wright Corp.
by Curtiss-Wright Corporation. Aeroplane Division.; United States. Army. Air Corps. Materiel Division. Field Service Section.;
Book : National government publication
Language: English
Publisher: Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio : Materiel Division, Field Service Section, 1940.
Handbook of service instructions for the model P-36A and P-36C pursuit airplanes manufactured by Curtiss Aeroplane Division, Curtiss-Wright Corp.
by Curtiss-Wright Corporation. Aeroplane Division.; United States. Army. Air Corps. Materiel Division. Field Service Section.;
Book : National government publication
Language: English
Publisher: Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio : Materiel Division, Field Service Section, 1941.
Student notebook : Service Division School.
by Curtiss-Wright Corporation. Wright Aeronautical Division.;
Language: English
Publisher: Paterson, N.J. : Wright Aeronautical Corporation, [1943]
Handbook of service instructions for the Model YP-37 pursuit airplane : manufactured by Curtiss Aeroplane Division, Curtiss-Wright Corp., Buffalo, N.Y.
by Curtiss-Wright Corporation. Airplane Division.; United States. Army. Air Corps. Materiel Division. Field Service Section.;
Book : National government publication
Language: English
Publisher: Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio : Published by Authority of The Chief of the Air Corps by the Materiel Division, Field Service Section, 1939.
Handbook of service instructions for the Model P-40E-1 pursuit airplane : manufactured by Curtiss-Wright Corporation, Airplane Division, Buffalo Plants, Buffalo, N.Y.
by Curtiss-Wright Corporation. Airplane Division.; United States. Army. Air Corps. Materiel Division. Field Service Section.;
Book : National government publication
Language: English
Publisher: Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio : Published by Authority of The Chief of the Air Corps by the Materiel Division, Field Service Section, 1942.

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