B-25 Pictures

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I've got some interior shots of the B25 Mitchell III just after it arrived at Duxford, U.K. in about 1988, and also the R.A.F. Pilot's Notes. The interior shots show the aircraftas it is, not as it was. but they might help you. Sorry, cant get them to you by this forum, but will gladly send you copies of some kind by 'snailmail', along with relevant photocopies of Pilot Notes andsome of my sketches if you think they'd be useful. doing this on ancient laptop as my PC has decided to play gameswith me!You can alwayscall me on U.K. cell 'phone 07957462358.
All the best . Terry.
Thanks! That one has been very popular lately. I wrote the article in December from a flight in August of 2007. Someone liked it enough to send it via e-mail to half the world (the link, thankfully!) and I had a few days where it went crazy.

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