B-29 and P-61 Flight Manuals

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Airman 1st Class
Sep 9, 2009
I took some scanned images and made a pdf book out of these. This manual might be already posted somewhere on here but due to the bad quality of some of these, I thought it might be good to have a higher quality scanned manual. Both files were too big, so i had to split them, if you want to join them back together, there is a free program called PdFill that does it super easy and has tons of other pdf editing features. Enjoy! Keith


  • B-29 Flight Manual Part 1.pdf
    40.7 MB · Views: 3,120
  • B-29 Flight Manual Part 2.pdf
    45.3 MB · Views: 2,424
  • P-61 Flight Manual Part 1.pdf
    25.7 MB · Views: 2,253
  • P-61 Flight Manual Part 2.pdf
    25.9 MB · Views: 2,038
Greetings Keith, Guys, Gals;

I understand what you did. I was in the process of doing a similar thing.

I also have this manual, but, unfortunately the only way that I could
save it was in xps format. I had come to a similar conclusion that you
did. The only way to convert it to PDF was to take snap shots of it.

Anyway to the point........ You saved me a lot of time........

Thank You,

I took some scanned images and made a pdf book out of these. This manual might be already posted somewhere on here but due to the bad quality of some of these, I thought it might be good to have a higher quality scanned manual. Both files were too big, so i had to split them, if you want to join them back together, there is a free program called PdFill that does it super easy and has tons of other pdf editing features. Enjoy! Keith

Gidday Keith

Great manuals thank you

Just in case you are not aware - there is now a program called Hathi Download Helper that will download any of the google scans that are on Hathi with a variety of options including a PDF file which it creates after downloading a graphic of each page. It is freeware available from multiple sites to suit most operating systems. Unfortunately Murphy made sure it was not available when you did these manuals.

Now all we need is a program that removes that horrible watermark from the bottom of each page ;)
Last edited:
  • Combat Crew Manual for the B-29
  • Flight Engineer Handbook B-29
  • Pilot's Handling Information for B-29 Superfortress


  • Combat_Crew_Manual.pdf
    41.8 MB · Views: 623
  • Flight Engineer Handbook B-29.pdf
    13.4 MB · Views: 582
  • Pilot's Handling Information for B-29 Superfortress.pdf
    7.7 MB · Views: 401
Last edited:
Bunch of more manuals for the B-29 Mitchell

B-29 Familiarization and Maintenance part 1
B-29 Familiarization and Maintenance part 2
B-29 Familiarization and Maintenance part 3
B-29 Familiarization and Maintenance part 4
B-29 Gunners Info
B-29 Mechanic's Field Service Guide
B-29 Personal Equipment
B-29 Standard Procedures for Gunners
B-29 Standard Procedures for Pilot
B-29 Standard Procedures for Radar Observers
B-29 Superfortress Flying info
XP-29 Hand book Instructions



  • B-29 Superfortress flying info.pdf
    19.4 MB · Views: 149
  • B-29 Standard Procedures for Radar Observers.pdf
    16.9 MB · Views: 144
  • B-29 Standard Procedures for Pilots.pdf
    24.2 MB · Views: 139
  • B-29 Standard procedures for gunners.pdf
    18.7 MB · Views: 138
  • B-29 Personal Equipment.pdf
    11 MB · Views: 134
  • B-29 Mechanic's Field Service Guide.pdf
    4 MB · Views: 140
  • B-29 Gunners info file.pdf
    31.1 MB · Views: 141
  • B-29 Familiarization and maintenance part 4.pdf
    50.9 MB · Views: 152
  • B-29 Familiarization and maintenance part 3.pdf
    38 MB · Views: 154
  • B-29 Familiarization and maintenance part 2.pdf
    31.6 MB · Views: 136
  • B-29 Familiarization and maintenance part 1.pdf
    37.1 MB · Views: 151
  • XB-29 Handbook.pdf
    47.6 MB · Views: 150

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