German air raid on Bari was discussed several times on this forum, including at least one dedicated thread.
See links below.
What if the Allied forces learn (through Ultra or else) about the Luftwaffe preparations 24 hours before?
What urgent measures can be taken and how they will impact the aftermath?
Other sources:
About night fighter situation in Med, by the forum member:
See links below.
What if the Allied forces learn (through Ultra or else) about the Luftwaffe preparations 24 hours before?
What urgent measures can be taken and how they will impact the aftermath?
Disaster at Bari, Italy
(cont'd) An account from Lt B.G. Syrett RNVR, who was a spare C.O. for the 20th MTB Flotilla at Bari, when the air raid took place. An extract from his diary. At 1930 hours, I was in the Cypher Office with Sub Lt Morris RNVR working hard on a cypher. Suddenly a few guns started pooping...
Other sources:
World War II: German Raid on Bari
Dubbed the 'second Pearl Harbor,' the 1943 German attack on Bari also revealed an Allied secret--mustard gas.
Air raid on Bari - Wikipedia
BBC - WW2 People's War - Bari Raid, 2nd December 1943
MTB's 81, 242 and 243, although only partly crewed, started up and crept around the harbour, picking up ...
Disaster At Bari
It was the most devastating enemy surprise attack since Pearl Harbor—but what mysterious affliction were people dying of two days later?
Attack on shipping in Bari harbour on 12th December 1943 - Luftwaffe and Allied Air Forces Discussion Forum
Attack on shipping in Bari harbour on 12th December 1943 Luftwaffe and Axis Air Forces
About night fighter situation in Med, by the forum member:
US Spitfires
Hello Biff, please see attached combat reports for Capt. John Carey. My understanding is that he was credited with 4.5 enemy aircraft destroyed, which looks to be what these two plus the one previously posted add up to. Check with AFHRA or National Archives for additional info.