Back in the late '30ies, my wife's grandparents had a shop. The neighbours' kid, Benjamin, born in 1936 often came to them to play in the shop. Later, after 1940, if people would ask who he was, the little kid would answer that he was 'Benny', son of the shop owner. The little kid knew already that it was dangerous to admit being a Jew. Later in 1942, the family were deported. My wife's grandparents even helped them pack, helping to sew the Jewish star on their winter coats as they had to travel in winter. The whole family, including little Benny, 6 years old never came back. The memory always stayed in the family. Old grandpa even told me about little Benny when I started dating my wife. They never told us their familyname though and nobody knew what really happened to the family. Yesterday, my wife found out their familyname and what had happened to them. They all died November 5th 1942 in Auswitz, I presume the day they arrived there.
There is a possibillity to 'adopt' a name for a to-be-made Jewish memorial in Amsterdam. We decided to adopt Benny, to honour the memory of a little 6 year old kid that died too young and that nobody will remember.