Best Battle of Britain Aircraft

Best Battle of Britain aircraft?

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plan_D said:
They do. The Hurricane shot down more German planes during BoB than the Spitfire. 32 Squadrons of Hurricane to 11 Squadrons of Spitfire. It was a fighter, and certainly not a sitting duck.

Still...I'd rather be in the Spitfire.
The claims by RAF fighter type in the BoB was as follows;

Hurricane 1,520
Spitfire 1,188
Blenheim 27
Defiant 22

Total 2,757

Actual Luftwaffe losses for all causes in the BOB 1,887

ps, To anyone who thinks Luftwaffe claims were more accurate.

The Luftwaffe fighter arm claimed 3058 aircraft kills in the BoB.

The total losses (to all causes, including accidents) of Fighter Command was 1023 during the BoB

Hah. Numbers prove it. Hurricanes show down more, but if it were a better aircraft it would have show down at LEAST an even proportion to it's numbers. They should have show down 3 times as many Germans as the Spitfires.
That's why I voted for the Spitfire as the best, it was a better plane. The Hurricane was still the saviour in the BoB, not the Spitfire.
Yes, I'm certainly impressed it's doing just as good here as it did in the BoB.
They call it the 'Flying Pencil' they would have been much better sticking pencils in elastic bands and trying to launch them across the channel.

Hmmm...imagine if one had got across and hit a lookout in the eye. Wouldn't have much help then and the BoB would have been a German victory WITHOUT A DOUBT!

...what? Don't look at me like that, it's true.

"Oh rats, those Gerry's have shot a pencil right into my tea, unless I want to die of lead poisoning I should make some more!"

*Whilst making tea, lookout gets distracted for a swarm of 100 109's and 350 He-111's, and the BoB is lost*
That's exactly how it would have happened...I think that was the early V-rocket...
cheddar cheese said:
The Do-17 is giving it a run for its money though...
If this was a poll of Luftwaffe bombers in which only Luftwaffe bomber crews had a vote, the Do-17 would win with ease.
The Do-17 was easy to fly, had few vices, and it could take a lot of punishment.
Its vices of low speed and a poor defensive armament was something shared by all the major Luftwaffe bombers in the battle.

The least popular Luftwaffe bomber was in fact the Ju 88
This was due to the fact that compared with the others, she was difficult to fly, and was still suffering early development problems.
The Ju-88 got the best mission result for the Luftwaffe during the BoB. A bombing raid made up of Ju-88 destroyed 46 R.A.F planes on the ground in one mission. I can't remember which airfield they attacked though..

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