Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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it sounds incredible but i doubt the school will let people go down to the water's edge, they'd be to worried about getting sued.............

BTW sorry i haven't been on for three nights, a tradgic combination of table tennis, general knoledge quizzes and the fact that my sister's dating the son of a lesbain have prevented me from sufing the information highway..........
2 ways

1) she's always on the phone to him, no phoney, no internety
2) she was round his house, i had to kepp the phone line free incase she was trying to ring to get picked up................
No of course we will, if that applies then how are we getting there?

"Oh no, we cant let them go on the boat because it might sink and the insurance wont cover it".

We're 14/15 years old and We kinda know what to do...

If we were about 7 or 8 I could understand.

Anyways, I only know of 4 people who are going.
yeah but you know what schools are like, they don't put soap in the soap dispencers because it's a safety risk, and since the whole caroline dickinson affair they've been very carefull.................
No, they dont put soap in cos people were being stupid and putting it on the floor, thus wasting it. Nothing to do with safety risks.

If anything the bloody door frames are safety risks, my head brushes the top of em.

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