Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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I would say the Ju-88 was the best overall bomber they had. I think it was quite an aircraft mostly because it could be used in many different varients especially as a night fighter. One mistake the Germans had was not to have a large quantity of heavy bombers like the kinds the allies had ie. B-17, B-14 and Lancaster at the start of the war. They were ill prepared for a bombing campaign.
thats because of churchill's idea of "keep hiting berlin until the germans react" he instructed the RAF Bomber command to start bombing berlin only for morale effects, but hilter went furious so he told goring to start bombing london to see how they feels, and so they left the fighter command alone and so the airdromes and aircraft factorys had time to rest and recover and be ready to fight again( the luftwaffe intel had told goring that the RAF had the most 100 fighters left but the RAF really still had 750, still, the RAF is close to dying).and, yes, that is the Reich Marshal's greatest mistake
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
Yes that is true about the Ta-152. As for the Ta-154 yes it did see service but I dont know how many were built or how extensive the service was here is some info on it.

I remember discussing this plane years ago. It's the "German Mosquito". As I recall performance was not that good, as a fighter it could not compare to the P-38, as a bomber it could not compare to the Mosquito.

Like the Mosquito, it was a wooden design. And, I don't think any saw combat, but I could be wrong it's been at least 3 years since I researched it.


I am going to have to find the website on it again. It did see combat but It was not very extensive. The performance was not bad on the aircraft it was quite good but it did not compare like you said to the mosquito or the P-38
Adolf Galland said:
thats because of churchill's idea of "keep hiting berlin until the germans react" he instructed the RAF Bomber command to start bombing berlin only for morale effects, but hilter went furious so he told goring to start bombing london to see how they feels, and so they left the fighter command alone and so the airdromes and aircraft factorys had time to rest and recover and be ready to fight again( the luftwaffe intel had told goring that the RAF had the most 100 fighters left but the RAF really still had 750, still, the RAF is close to dying).and, yes, that is the Reich Marshal's greatest mistake

Actually the RAF only had some 600 fighters at the beginning of the BoB.
And Hitler was furious AT Goering, because Goering had promised that no British plane will fly over/bomb Berlin...
thats because of churchill's idea of "keep hiting berlin until the germans react" he instructed the RAF Bomber command to start bombing berlin only for morale effects, but hilter went furious so he told goring to start bombing london to see how they feels, and so they left the fighter command alone and so the airdromes and aircraft factorys had time to rest and recover and be ready to fight again( the luftwaffe intel had told goring that the RAF had the most 100 fighters left but the RAF really still had 750, still, the RAF is close to dying).and, yes, that is the Reich Marshal's greatest mistake

almost but not quite, the germans had a cat and mouse system similar to what we had to guide their bombers onto the target, however we, being world leaders in electronic warfare, "bent" the beams sent out to the bombers, so they bombed the wrong place, this unfortunatly was london and we didn't know they bombed london because of us. Obviously this was a civilain target and bombing it was against the geneva convention, we wanted revenge, so the next night night we bombed Berlin with wellingtons, and as hitler didn't know he'd bombed london he also wanted revenge, so he ordered the destruction of london................
If one bomb falls on Berlin, my name is Meyer! - Herman Goering
The famous ill thought of words, or atleast it was something like that.
lesofprimus said:
They almost did..... Amazing how one thought of Hitlers, ie bombing London instead of the airfields, changed the outcome of the War......

Even if they'd not switched to bombing London it is questionable whether the German's would have defeated Britain. Britian would have had to pull back the RAF and recover, allowing Germany to bomb at will. But it would still have been next to impossible for Germany to get an invasion force across the channel. Once the USA was in the war, the British would have retaken air-superiority over Britain. It would certainly have hurt the British a great deal, but whether they could have been bombed into submission is highly doubtful, especially with Germany's rather meager bombing capability.



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