Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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The Ta on the Ta-152 was actually for the person who designed the aircraft it was just built by Focke-Wulf that is why it is the Focke-Wulf Ta-152. I would have to research the name of the guy who designed it to tell you who it is but that is what it means. It is just like with the Gotha Ho-229 it was built by Gotha but was designed by Horton, so it got the an Ho-229 designation but some people still mistake it and call it a Gotha Go-299.
Yeah that was a neat one.


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DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
The Ta on the Ta-152 was actually for the person who designed the aircraft it was just built by Focke-Wulf that is why it is the Focke-Wulf Ta-152. I would have to research the name of the guy who designed it to tell you who it is but that is what it means. It is just like with the Gotha Ho-229 it was built by Gotha but was designed by Horton, so it got the an Ho-229 designation but some people still mistake it and call it a Gotha Go-299.

Yes, but the TA-152 was clearly a derivative of the FW-190 series. In fact, the TA-152C is almost identical to the late model Dora's with the addition of a P-51 style cooling system (I'm not sure if it generated thrust???). It had the same identical wings and primary fuselage.


Yes that is true about the Ta-152. As for the Ta-154 yes it did see service but I dont know how many were built or how extensive the service was here is some info on it.

Origin: Focke-Wulfe Flugzeugbau GmbH
Models: V1 to V15, A and C series
Type: Night and All-weather fighter

Type: Junkers Jumo inverted-vee-12 liquid-cooled
Number: 2
V1, 2 - Jumo 211N - 1,520hp
V3-15, A-1 - Jumo 213E - 1,750hp
C - Jumo 213A - 1,776hp

Span: 16.00m
Length: 12.56m
Height: 3.60m
Empty: 1810kg (3,990lbs.)
Maximum Loaded 2500kg (5,512lbs.)

Maximum speed 670km/h (416mph)
Service Ceiling: 11,000m (36,090ft)
Range: 900km (559 Miles)

Two MG 17 and a 20mm MG/FF


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Which they had a problem with but yeah they had no reason to really build extended range aircraft to attack england anymore because they had there own problems with there skies filled with allied aircraft. Once they lost air supieriority they should have just stuck with fighter, fighter, fighters and more fighters but Hitler never wanted to abandon completly his bomber program. I dont think I would have abandoned it completely either but I would have put more emphasis on interceptors, fighters, and ground attack aircraft.
Yeah it was not very successfull. They never really got a heavy bomber in large scale production and the best thing they came up with was the Arado Ar-234. But it too was too late.
just look at the BoB, they didn't even have proper bombers, the He-111 and Do-17 were officailly close support bombers and the Ju-88 was more of an allrounder...........
I would say the Ju-88 was the best overall bomber they had. I think it was quite an aircraft mostly because it could be used in many different varients especially as a night fighter. One mistake the Germans had was not to have a large quantity of heavy bombers like the kinds the allies had ie. B-17, B-14 and Lancaster.

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