Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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it's not so much a stutter in the normal sence, i just start to say a word then can't finish it and end up saying the beggining/previous word over and over again..............
the lancaster kicks ass said:
it's not so much a stutter in the normal sence, i just start to say a word then can't finish it and end up saying the beggining/previous word over and over again..............

It's called stammering.

And it's still caused by penial dysfunction.
or just check out and how can you not know about it, it's a british institution, it made all other interceptors obsolete overnight, it took the RAF from subsonic to transonic, not until the F-14 has the world seen an interceptor like it............

Hard to argue with 4 x MK108 30mm's on a plane to fast to intercept.



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