Best Bomber Killing Aircraft......

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At the same time if the war had continued longer, many more german jet fighters and intercepters would have entered service that would have outclassed anything such as the Gotha H0-229.
At the same time if the war had continued longer, many more german jet fighters and intercepters would have entered service that would have outclassed anything such as the Gotha H0-229.

at the same time we would also be developing some amazing fighters, such as the meteor Mk.VIII and even the EE Lightning, which would have outclassed absolutly anything it came up against, just so long as it didn't have to travel more than 50 miles from it's base :lol:
That is true I believe that most advanced aircraft built with jet engines at that time were limited in range. I think the biggest problem the Germans would have had and hurt them the most would have been the lack of fuel for there Jet aircraft.

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