Best Bomber

Best Bomber of WWII?

  • Mosquito

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lancaster

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-24

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-29

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-17

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • B-25

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Do-17

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ju-88

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • He 177

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

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True but it did bomb shipping early in the war and like the other great 4 engine programs given the time it might have developed into what the German's needed. The Lanc, B-17, and even the B-4 al ent through a lot of changes ad developments so I am shore that the Fw-200 would have it given the time. It just never had time, priority, or funds
The basic Lanc was unchanged, but it was modified to serve a lot of different roles. I think the Fw-200 would have required more that just a few changes. It was, basically, a civilian aircraft converted to military purposes and that rarely worked out well. Just look at the Do-17.
But the Lanc could have done with some more work. Armore, and range, but that would make it more a daylight platform yes?

I never said that the Fw-200 would have been a quick fix, but that it had the potential.
In my opinion, the only things the Fw-200 had going for it were its size and range. The Luftwaffe was better off trying to design a real 4-engined bomber.
i would easly say it was the b-29 superfortress that was the best bomber in world war 2; though the b-24 was built to replace the b-17 it wasn't as superior as they origionaly thought it would be: why? well let's just say that the b-24's wings weren't as strong as the b-17
Dan, the B-24 was very advaced for its time. And that Wing Mr. Davis designed it for long range and crusing. The bomber would have replace the B-17 in peace time a lot faster then in the war setting ad the B-24 was itself going to be replaced by the B-29 as it was under design in the early war years, the date eludes me now. Dan it is ok that you have bad info on the B-24 most people seem to be jadded about it, because the B-17 has a lot of press.
More range is always good!!! But for the Lanc it would have been more range for daylight ops. but really I sould have said a ball gun Also the range would have let it hit the iol and ball factories in Eastern Europe at night! but then it did have a good range and load, but the armore and guns were lacking, the ball again
well this might be true or not but i heard that the B29 was built to replace the B24 AND the B17 so hah! in your face!!!
How is that in anyones "face"? The B-17 was surpassed by the B-24 and the B-24 was surpassed by the B-29.
it's all very well you saying that MP, but i could easily say that the B-17 needed more range, and the lanc had better range than the B-17 anyway.............................
after the war the lancaster evolved into the lincon, which it tern led to many more more bombers, the last of which, the shackelton, is still in servise today, but to be honest the lanc was never really changed at all throughout the whole war.............................
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