Best looking WW2 fighter

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Bugatti 100P. Built 1939. View attachment 571523Does this one count?
It was meant to build a fighter-version of it at some time.
Here's a picture of the P110, as the fighter variant was designated, in its element.
Here's a picture of the P110, as the fighter variant was designated, in its element.
View attachment 653057

Yes. Saw this one a while ago. But to carry enough armament (and fuel?) to make an impact they would have to have built it a bit enlarged while keeping the same proportions and aerodynamics. It could have been a world beater.
Using one engine for cruise flight to keep fuel consumption low and activating the other engine for combat. Carrying at least two 20mm cannons.
The Ki-61 was based on the Heinkel He-100, of which numerous prototypes were build but it did not go into production. The He-100 did set a world speed record however, in 1938. Several He-100Ds were sold to Japan, where they influenced the design of the Kawasaki Ki-61 II Hein, or Tony.

Unless I disremember (possible), the Ki-61 was based on a DB 601Aa, not the He 100. It has little to nothing in common with the He 100 other than basic low wing monoplane layout and the DB inverted V-12 engine.
Looks alone

British Single engine = Tempest
British Twin = Hornet
US Single Engine = P51D
US Twin = P38
German Single Engine = FW190A
German Twin = He219
Jap Single = Ki84
Jap Twin = Ki45
Italian Single = Macchi 202
Italian Twin = Anybody?
Russian Single = Yak 3D
Russian Single = PE2
Looks alone

British Single engine = Tempest
British Twin = Hornet
US Single Engine = P51D
US Twin = P38
German Single Engine = FW190A
German Twin = He219
Jap Single = Ki84
Jap Twin = Ki45
Italian Single = Macchi 202
Italian Twin = Anybody?
Russian Single = Yak 3D
Russian Single = PE2
Finally, a metric I understand.

British SE = All Merlin Spitfires (I can't really tell them apart except for that tropical nose job one. Yuchhhh)
British Twin= Mosquito
US SE = P51-D
US Twin = Mosquito
LW SE = TA-152
LW Twin = HE-219
IJA SE = Ki-61
IJA Twin = J1N
RA SE = Macchi 202
RA twin = Anybody?
VVS SE = Yak 3
VVS Twin = Does the Pe-2 count?
Finally, a metric I understand.

British SE = All Merlin Spitfires (I can't really tell them apart except for that tropical nose job one. Yuchhhh)
British Twin= Mosquito
US SE = P51-D
US Twin = Mosquito
LW SE = TA-152
LW Twin = HE-219
IJA SE = Ki-61
IJA Twin = J1N
RA SE = Macchi 202
RA twin = Anybody?
VVS SE = Yak 3
VVS Twin = Does the Pe-2 count?

Best looking Italian twin? Has to be this:


Couldn't fly worth a damn....but it was good looking! :)
British Single: Supermarine Spitfire Mk.V
British Twin: Westland Whirlwind
Dutch Single: Koolhoven FK.58
Dutch Twin: Fokker G.1
French Single: Bloch MB.57
French Twin: Potez 630-01
German Single: Focke-Wulf Fw190A-8
German Twin: Heinkel He280
Italian Single: Macci MC.202
Italian Twin: Savoia-Marchetti SM.91
Japanese Single: Kawasaki KI-61
Japanese Twin: Kawasaki KI-102
Soviet Single: Yakovlev Yak-9
Soviet Twin: Tupolev Tu-2S
U.S. Single: Curtiss P-40C
U.S. Twin: Grumman F7F

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