Best parasol or high-mounted wing fighter?

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Add the Arsenal-Delanne
Add the Arsenal-Delanne AD-10... Possibly the fastest (except for the IS-4) and most versatile....
Add the Arsenal-Delanne AD-10... Possibly the fastest (except for the IS-4) and most versatile....
1. It has _tandem_ wing configuration, not pure parasol or high-mounted. But the topic starter didn't provide clear criteria for selection. Now I assume, it should be a single piston engine fighter with pure parasol or high-mounted wing in the combat configuration. Otherwise F-14/-15 have high-mounted wing as well.
2. The maximum speed of the IS-2 was higher (588 vs. 550 kph). IS-4 was never built.
C'mon guys. Enough of those passe' losers. There is NO Contest!

The Scarlett Stormer was undefeated, flying against the best Axis aircraft, NEVER shot down, and capable of operating from land, sea or snow without special equipment!!

All well documented in time honored publications.


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