Best Plane / Scale to Start Modelling for A beginner?

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Chief Master Sergeant
Aug 27, 2017
Tehran, Iran
Hi There Friends.

Another Question:
as you know, I cant order anything from iran due to sensor-ships, blockades and sanctions.
if possible , please send printable maps / plans or help me where can i find them?

printing and building with balsa would cost about 1/5th of price that i should pay for buy+shipping+taxes+post.

I agree with the posts above. However the scale depends more on the your skills than the scale. Building of such models requires some of room, tools etc.. Also you have to decide of what degree of similarity ( accuracy ) are you going to build your models. Additionally the amount of materials for the models has to be taken into consideraton. The bigger model the more of wood , paint, glue you need,.for instance..
Yes the cardboard models are a very nice alternative for all who want to save some of money. However these recent ones are for almost or just the same price those plastic kits are . Anyway the shipping can be cheaper indeed.
Well how are your eyes? Are you going to need a large or small scale based on that.
I really Dont know.
as for first time i need
Yes the cardboard models are a very nice alternative for all who want to save some of money. However these recent ones are for almost or just the same price those plastic kits are . Anyway the shipping can be cheaper indeed.
Problem is that most of them wont sell anything to Iran due to Americas sanctions. also i cant pay in euro or whatever else, again due to sanctions. i cant pay with Rial as well. also most of sites are blocked / filtered by Iranian Regime. also according to irans law , i should pay the same amount as its fee, as entrance fee, also some other taxes as well, and Questioning to police and security forces. why you want it? how you buy it? and ... also i should pay postal fee .

in one short word: this "Printing and Building with Balsa woods" is only way i have.
I understand you. However these paper models can be found via the net too. Of course you have to print them yourself using a colour printer.

BTW.. are you going to make the wooden models for displaying or flying?
I understand you. However these paper models can be found via the net too. Of course you have to print them yourself using a colour printer.

BTW.. are you going to make the wooden models for displaying or flying?
only for Displaying.
as my summer is empty, i just want to start modeling.
If you don't want to scratch build your own, there are a number of paper model kits that are really impressive. The gentleman above me has done some amazing builds and I would think the postage would be far cheaper.
Yes. 1/48 is much better.
maybe in a a bigger house, i can have one 1/72!!! as well.
A model of 1/72 scale is smaller than the one of 1/48. The scale says us that 1 meter of a real object is divided by the 72, 48, 32, etc .In other words it says how much the 1meter is made smaller.. That's the pure mathematics. 1m : 72 = 1,39cm while 1m : 48 = 2,08cm.

So 1 meter in scale 1/72 is 1,39cm while the same 1 meter in 1/48 is 2,08cm. Therefore the models of 1/48 scale are bigger than those of 1/72.
Thanks for info.
but these 2 are most common. specially for airplanes. if i`m not mistaken.
and i`m in doubt to choose what plane too!!!
ones i like, are:
IAR 80 - Mitsubishi A6M Zero - Bf 109 - British Hawker Hurricane.
last 2 are more common, both in built models and more technical / historical info.
which one would be better?

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