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First things first, nukes are not all that powerful. They explode in a sphere and most of the energy is wasted.
Hiroshima naval base was called what it was because it was in Hiroshima prefecture, not because it was in Hiroshima city, it was about 10 miles away, also known as Kure.
If all the poles and wires are down and destroyed, what good is a electrical plant ?
According to you, all we'd have to do to destroy any Japanese city is set off a few bombs and turn over their cookstoves !!
15,000-20.000 tons is not that powerful ?? Up until the atomic bombs the most powerful man made explosion was when a whole cargo ship of explosives went off in a Newfoundland harbor in WW1.
You can hardly expect anyone to discuss the theory of the effect of nukes on German cities without some mention of the only two times nukes have really been used in warfare.I just wished to discuss the effects of the nukes in the Germans cities. Many here already draged the topic off it's context.
If anyone wants to get a real impression of just how powerful these early devices were then this is a good link
"In both Hiroshima and Nagasaki the tremendous scale of the disaster largely destroyed the cities as entities. Even the worst of all other previous bombing attacks on Germany and Japan, such as the incendiary raids on Hamburg in 1943 and on Tokyo in 1945, were not comparable to the paralyzing effect of the atomic bombs. In addition to the huge number of persons who were killed or injured so that their services in rehabilitation were not available, a panic flight of the population took place from both cities immediately following the atomic explosions."
I think Europe is a unique situation. Its not an Island in the middle of the sea, and unlike Japan there allied forces everywhere, whereas Japan.. no allies on the Island. I have to stick to my guns here and say there was no way a nuke would be dropped anywhere in Europe during WWII.They're not going to take a vote before they drop a nuke, it's going to be left in the hands of the same people that decided to bomb Hamburg, Dresden, etc., so don't doubt for a second if they thought it was necessary, that they'd drop it on Germany.