@Parsifal : Let me repeat one more time from two separate sources i get 117.100 you may choose to believe that the true price was 2.500.000 RM but it's still your assumption.Price for PZIV is given as 104.000 again without gun and radio.Price difference is marginal ,the Panther WAS NOT expensive like a Tiger.Everything else you said isn't sourced from anywhere.Oh and i found that the 2.000 hours is actually taken from Spielberger ''Panther and its Variants '' so it's not chaff.Tank crew losses were high? How did that happen if the tank survived and was blown up by the crew later? Did they return from the afterlife to dispose of their tank?
Anti-tank gun were useful in defense of a specific location but the Eastern Front was a VERY big place and when the enemy tanks pass you by what are the anti-tank guns to do? Fly after them ? That's where you need mobility.
Anti-tank gun were useful in defense of a specific location but the Eastern Front was a VERY big place and when the enemy tanks pass you by what are the anti-tank guns to do? Fly after them ? That's where you need mobility.
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