Didn't we just have this question respawn in the "Modern" forum?
I'll post pretty much what I said in that thread, without a doubt the F-4C Wild Weasel was the best in SEA. Yeah, sure, when I think "Wild Weasel" and "Vietnam" I think of the F-105, however that is just because it flew by far the most sorties. The F-4C Weasel arrived late to the conflict, but still participated in significant numbers.
The F-100 was the first of the breed (for the Air Force, but then the effort was not called "Wild Weasel" by the Navy), literally the prototype and forced into service as quickly as possible. The SA2 was causing something of a stir in the community (I am not that old, I did not work in EW until later, but I later worked with a lot of the folks involved from those days). Losses were high and the platforms were not capable of dealing with the SAM threat well. This caused several emergency actions in the States, including the establishment of several test facilities and the birth of the Wild Weasel concept. Probably should say "rebirth" of the Wild Weasel, since this was a logical progression from the Ferret flights of WW II.
Things moved so fast that there was no time to go through the regular contract vehicles, and the contract and specifications for delivery of the first systems used in the F-100F was written on a chalk board, everyone signed the board, and a picture of the board became the contract.
The systems were developed on the fly, installed in the F-100F, proven to sort of work, and were in the skies of SEA in a few short months. Initially they worked only against the then used version of the Fan Song, and had to be modified to work against other versions of the Fan Song, and the Flap Wheel, Fire Can, and Gun Dish.
But one of the problems was that the F-100 could keep up with the Thuds they accompanied while the Thuds were carrying ordinance, but once the Thuds dropped their loads the F-100 struggled, and the F-105s left them behind. So moving to the F-105 platform was not a huge leap in thought. The 105F and then the 105G became the workhorse of the Weasel program, with system advancement coming steadily. The stories of pilots flying this mission out of Korat and Takhli are legend in the community.
But then came the F-4C, and it benefited from not only a more modern platform, but also all of the ESM/EW system development that had already happened. It was the most capable Wild Weasel of the conflict.
I had no personal involvement with the Weasel program until the F-4G, prior to that I worked other aspects of EW.
Yes, the Navy did SEAD in Vietnam also. And among Navy aircraft the A-6 combined with the EA6A and later EA6B was the killer combination.