Best WWII Air-Force (2 Viewers)

Best WWII Air-Force

  • Royal Air Force

    Votes: 72 22.0%
  • Luftwaffe

    Votes: 104 31.8%
  • United States Air Force

    Votes: 132 40.4%
  • Royal Australian Air Force

    Votes: 9 2.8%
  • Regia Aeronautica

    Votes: 5 1.5%
  • Royal New Zealand Air Force

    Votes: 8 2.4%
  • Royal Canadian Airforce

    Votes: 15 4.6%
  • Chinese Air Force

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Russian Air Force

    Votes: 13 4.0%
  • Japanese Air Force

    Votes: 4 1.2%

  • Total voters

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To my knowledge only the Germans had nerve agents during WW2. German invention,see.

The UK had huge stockpiles of mustard gas which we would fired at any invading army.

British scientists were shocked at what the Germans really had. They assumed they had old WW1 gases as well.

Dammit...I'm having flashbacks to all those CW drills...sure not nice in summer.
To my knowledge only the Germans had nerve agents during WW2. German invention,see.

That is what I thought as well. The Germans invented Saren, Soran, and Tuban before and during WW2.

The allies did not have Nerve Agents until after they captured them before the end of the war.

The same team that invented Saren, Soran, and Tuban invented Cyclosarin in 1949 after the war.

The British invented VX Gas in 1952 and later traded the technology to the US.
Actually if you really wish to get technical then Japan was first bombed by B-25s from a Carrier.

Chris - you are of course right - but my command of the English language failed me. What I intended by the sentence was that B-29's started bombing Japan from China before the Marianas (which required Carrier Task Force to secure).

The intent was to demonstrate to Soren that all kinds of strategic strikes were carried out by USAAF without England or Carriers.

BTW - I was wrong about Sarin being in production in late WWII. It was only Discovered by US (and Britain and Soviets) at end of WWII.

Mustard Gas was the 'threat' by Allies if Germany used poison gas - apparently we were not aware of the Nerve Agents - only the Respiratory types until end of WWII. I believe GB had large stocks of Mustard from WWI still in Britain during WWII

The AAF fought in several theaters in the world, as well as having an operating sceduled intercontiental transport service (beginnings of the MATS?) The LW really only fought in one contienent. It doesnt matter if England wa sint he picture or not. The US could project its power to nearly any place on Earth. There was a B17 pilot in the forum that told us in 1943, his route to the war took him from Florida, to S America, acroos the Atlantic to Africa and then up to Italy. As far as I know, the LW didnt have that capability.

To some extent? The US had a vast pool of managerial, scientific, technical and engineering personell in which to draw talent to produce things. Plus we had a far richer economy in which to build more of them. Soren, the US industrial capacity was so vast, even for those progams and projects that wasted resources, it had no impact on the overall war effort. Show me where the Germans built more aircraft than the US after Jan 1 1944. The facts are indisputable. The US built far more aircraft and kept them supplied and in operation than anything the LW was capable of.

I dont care about the excuses for fuel and "priorities". The US had the capacity to build vast numbers of fighters AND bombers AND transports AND naval aircraft. The LW didnt. End result, and its extremely clear on it..... in 1944, every week, the US had thousands of heavy bombers available, flying tens of thousands of sorties, dropping tens of thousands of bombs. The LW had only a few planes that were of dubious reliability, or existed only on paper.

Soren, in Dec 1943, tell us how many LW squadrons there were and the number of sorties they flew?

No fuel = no training
No fuel = limited operations
Lack of materials = production and logistics issues.

Sorry Soren. Fuel is the number one sonsideration of any AF.

The size of an airforce is dictated by the number of pilots, and the amount of fuel that can be used for operations.

The P38 flew 2600 mile and 3200 mile missions. The P51 flew 2600 mile missions. Note that i used a plural form of "mission". The P47N had a design spec for 2000 miles. Now what were you saying about the Ta-152?

The P38 was also used for recon, as a light bomber in "droop snoot" missions. It was the best fighter in the Pacific due to its range. It was good enough in the ETO for the escort role. And as was proven on many occasions in the air-to-air role..... a good P38 pilot flying a P38L, and keeping his aircraft in its best flight "envelope" could dish it out to the -109 and -190 pilots.

I would agree that using the fighters in a purely defensive role would make them better. But defense is what cost you the war. Your fighters couldnt handle the ranges needed to go on the offensive.

And read many of the threads regarding what plane was the best. Many people proved that every single fighter had its optimum flight paramaters. And any pilot who kept his fighter in that envelope, and his opponant got out of his...... was probably going to shoot him down.

You think that your LW fighters were only the most maneuverable, fastest, heaviest armed and best climber/diver? Think again.

The P38 was used as a light bomber on occasion. The P47 had the second strongest framework of any single engined fighter of WW2. Only the F4U had a stronger body. Speaking of which, if we include the Corsair, the AAF would have three fighter bombers.

The AAF maintains its edge.

9) Light/Attack bombers.
Id give the LW an edge in magnitude in superiority over the AAF. The LW had more dedicated types than the AAF. So credit goes to where its due.

Wow! Being generous are we ?

I call them as I see them.

Its tough luck that you didnt have fuel to train your pilots. The AAF was giving its pilot-trainee's more and more hours, while the LW was cutting back.

Wars are fought in the here and now, not in the future. If your advanced weapons were used in the conflict to effect the outcome of a battle, then I would give the LW credit. But they werent. If you want a seperate catagory for advanced wepaons for future use, I will be glad to make one for it. But then again, why waste energy in producing weapons for years down the road, when you only have months to live.

So tell us how the V1 and V2 swung the war in favor of the Germans? And tell us how many bombers were shot down by ME262's?

BTW, the atomic bombs were collarborative effort by many scientists and technicians, not just the German ones. You also forget that the US itself provided the vast ammount of industrial expertise to build the things in the first place. And dont you think an atomic bomb WAS the advanced weapon of all time?
Agreed to some extent, however US production-methods weren't superior at all, they were just imbracing different needs priorities.
Neither the Germasn or the British had anything like Willow Run but to be fair there is one important difference. The USA wasn't under any real danger of attack. Had Germany built or tried to build a Willow Run type of factory it would have been wiped out by allied bombers before completion.

The LW prioritized fighter development, that and that there was not enough fuel or trained men made sure that the LW bombers didn't get the flying time they deserved - again something you should've known.
This I fundamentally disagree with. To all intents and purposes the Germans didn't have any strategic bombers. The nearest they had, the 177, was built in very limited numbers, was dreadfully unreliable not to say dangerous and the only time it came to being used in this fashion (The Mini Blitz Jan to Mar 1944) it sufferred very heavy losses.
It should also be noted that it only had to as far as London say 120 miles from base or 50 miles from the French coast. Not, many Hundreds of miles as undertaken on hundreds of thousands of sorties by B17/B24/Lanc/Halifax and others.

The Ta-152H was capable of flying over 2000 miles with a drop tank.
This doesn't matter at all. The post is about the best best WW2 airforce. A plane that only entered the war in the last few months when the war was already lost, in very very limited numbers, unless it did something remarkable is irrelevant [/QUOTE]

If the LW had the best defensive fighters they would have won the air war over Germany. The 152, 190D and 262 were remarkable aircraft but were to late. The LW had already lost the war over Germany.
Your knowledge of world history beyond England-Germany Russia is faulty.

No it is not.

LoL, Britain contributed to the invasion of Italy. The USAAF alone didn't have a longer reach than the LW, both depended on captured or Allied ground to reach out further.

Name three LW plants combined that put as many a/c as Willow Run GM plant

You think that the best production technique is the one which churns out the most a/c ? well sorry but that only happens sacrificing in some areas. The Germans prioritized quality over quantity, their designs were more advanced in terms of engineering, more time care being used on each build. German quality inspections were also all alot more strict thurough - hence the longer production time hence why I said what I said.

And no I'm not saying that the Allies were building low quality products, not at all, however they weren't as obsessed with quality as the Germans were.

They prioritized Fighter production when it became clear in early 1944 that German industry would die from USSAF precison attacks - and German bombers weren't doing much against anybody

They prioritized fighter production because they realized they were hopelessly out-numbered in the air, which is also why German bombers weren't operating as intended.

PS: USAAF bombers weren't very precise and no'more precise than the bombers of the LW or RAF, so forget your little precision-attack theory.

Syscom 'not dealing well' with your world?

Insults from Bill again, how surprising, he seems to rely on these very much.

Ha! Syscom3 is not dealing well with reality if anything, but he's certainly dealing well with your world though Bill.

Did it? Did it fly 100o miles? did it escort anything? - but it was 'the greatest escort fighter"? Perhaps in a different world of 'possibility' in which reality counts for nothing.

No it didn't, there wasn't enough fuel. But thats not the point, the point is the LW possessed a long range fighter a/c.

It was also faster than its LW opponents and solved its compressibility problems in mid 1944.

It seems Bill is spewing out lies once again.

NO Bill, the P-38 was not faster than its LW opponents, the P-38 was slower far less nimble.

The Ta152H got how many kills?

11 kills to 0 losses.

The Fw190D got how many kills?

Plenty, and amazingly many considering the circumstances under which it had to operate.

The Me262 was the best of all fighters that actually flew combat - including the Ta152 and Fw190D - what did it contribute to the war effort?

Too few, too late, too little fuel.

Bill again demonstrates his excellent ability to completely ignore the fact that by 1944 trained men fuel was in scarse supply in the LW, and that the LW didn't enjoy local air-superiority AT ALL when you count how many LW a/c actually went airborne in that period.

So what. A 3000 pounder might be effective against Sub Pens but who cares re: fighter Bomber. I'd rather carry 3 x 1000 pounders like the P-38 and F4U and P-47

Bill again playing loosely with the facts..

The P-47 could NOT carry a bomb-load of 3,000 lbs, let alone 3x 1000 lbs bombs !! The P-38 could carry close 3,000 lbs in total but it could NOT carry 3x 1000 lbs bombs.

How far is far?? I forget. Multitude? Me 262 and Ar234 versus Meteor and P-80?

The Me-262 Ar-234 were both much superior jet aircraft.

The P-80A was downright dangerous to fly, plus it was too slow sluggish compared to the Me-262A-1a.

The Meteor was a fine serviceable Jet aircraft but just waay too slow.

Sarin versus Sarin and the A-Bomb. V-2s versus 4000 B17/B-24 plus 2000 lancasters with escort fighters? plus all the Medium bombers capablre of the same load actually Hitting the target instead of the cornfields?

The V-1 V-2 weren't inaccurate if thats what you're implying, they were infact amazingly accurate considering range travelled - London was hit with good consistancy by both weapons.

As to avanced weapons equipment, the German LW employed a/c AA rockets, self-guided bombs missiles, night-vision, auto-pilots, auto-engine prop management computers etc etc..

So yes the German were FAR ahead in advanced weapons equipment.

The V1 was totally worthless and the V-2 essentially the same - indefensible against cornfield attacks

Sarin was one - and the US had a stockpile in Colorado. Had Hitler used it against the allies there might not be much German spoken today

Both had this weapon so why mention it ?

- any other weapons that 'might have made a difference' ??

Had there been enough fuel, many. The Allies would've been in a very dire situation had the Me-262 been deployed in 1943 as intended and there being enough fuel for it to operate in full numbers. There's no chance the Allies were going to set foot on mainland Europe then thats for sure.

Think Soren, if anything you mentioned as the wonder weapon managed to extend the war in Europe three more months - what do you think Berlin would look like today - instead of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Says Bill who is clueless as to how short the war would've been had the Allies possessed weapons machines which could've matched the ones deployed by Germany on an individual basis. Also I have a feeling dropping a nuclear bomb in Europa wasn't going to be liked by many of the surrounding countries and would be seen as a very serious war-crime a no less serious crime against humanity - esp. considering the fact that it wasn't needed in order to come to terms with the Nazis, the Nazi party could be disposed of in many other ways had the war dragged on - Hitler wasn't a very well liked person during 44-45, even his own stab attempting to do dispose of him.

Yeah, roll those eyes. Syscom is pretty much dead on

No he is clearly not, he is infact almost completely wrong.
If the LW had the best defensive fighters they would have won the air war over Germany. The 152, 190D and 262 were remarkable aircraft but were to late. The LW had already lost the war over Germany.

Glider, just because you have the best weapons machines doesn't mean you're automatically going to win: Quality vs quantity. Numbers count for as much as quality in many situations.

The Germans fielded superior small-arms, AFV's aircraft throughout the war, yet they didn't win, the reason being they were fighting against too many at once from to many directions.

What does it matter that you have far better tanks if you're losing them faster than you can build new ones ? And what does it matter that you have far better fighters if they can't land or take-off in safety and are lacking fuel trained pilots ? And what does it matter that you have better equipment if your army is simply too few in numbers for these to ever make up for this huge disadvantage in numbers?

In some instances you're correct but in fact where "German quality inspections were also all a lot more strict thorough" there was also a lot of needless inspection which hampered "quantity" which was so desperately needed by the end of the war. In essence German quality turned out to be its own worse enemy...
Now just incase someone has forgotten it, I still have never claimed that the LW was the best AF of 1944-45, so now you people hopefully won't forget this and make it up that I did once again.
The V-1 V-2 weren't inaccurate if thats what you're implying, they were infact amazingly accurate considering range travelled - London was hit with good consistancy by both weapons.

The V-1 was certainly inaccurate.

RV Jones has a couple of maps in his book Most Secret War showing the impact points of the V-1s fired on the 16th July 1940. They are scattered all over southern England, covering more than 50 miles in bearing, more than 60 in range.

Jones notes in the text that 90 V-1 impacts are plotted on the map (I haven't counted them) and that of those, 30 are in the built up area of London.

Partly that's because the missiles were tending to fall short, but Jones points out even if the pattern was shifted so that the average range was correct, only 45 would fall within the built up area. And that's out of 200 fired that day, of which 144 crossed the coast, and only 30 were shot down (and 11 of those shot down actually fell in London)

That means far less than half the missiles fired hit London, even excluding the actions of the defences.

As to the V-2, Germans fired about 1350 rockets at London, of which just over 500 hit within the greater London civil defence zone. The zone was about 20 miles in diameter.

If You are firing at the largest city in the world and getting less than 50% hit rate, just how accurate can you claim to be?

And range doesn't seem to make much difference, to the V-2 at least. The other major target for the V-2 was Antwerp, with again well over 1,000 missiles fired, of which about 30% actually hit the city. Granted Antwerp is a lot smaller than London, but the range was much shorter as well.
Thats sounds about the same as bombing results for the USAAC and Bomber Command
They were bombing London? The

The V weapons were not accurate at all. Interesting story is that British Intelligence ran double agents who told their Berlin Controllers that the weapons were falling short or too long.

Now put a sarin warhead in a V2 and you got big trouble right there.

Far more deadly that a ton of explosive.
Soren, I just looked at the production figures for the US and Germany for the years up to 1944, and you were being swamped in every single catagory.

How can you say the US was not at least 2 to 3 magnitudes better than the LW in producing top notch aircraft?

Its obvious the US not only had sufficent industrial resources to build vast numbers of aircraft, but also had a huge technical and scientific pool in which to build high quality products. Many of which were equal to or better than what the LW could offer during those years.

I also contemplated the definition for the fighters, of "defensive and offensive".

I will concede that the LW had a great purely defensive fighter (years 1944 and 1945) in the -190. But it wasnt all the much better than the P51. Considering that the allied definition for success for a bombing mission is the LW did not get to the bombers, and the LW had to get to the bombers, then the P51 was proved to be more successfull. Ditto for the P38 and P47. All they had to do was keep the LW away from the bombers and its mission accomplished.

In the end it was offensive fighters that won the war, not defensive. A close and unbiased look at all the fighters of WW2 will show the following:
1) Each fighter had an optimal speed and altitude envelope in which it was dangerous.
2) Each fighter had good points which an opposing pilot ignored at their own peril.
3) In the Pacific, range was paramount. The P38 was highly successfull because of that.
4) Each fighter had a different role to perform, so their relative worth or ranking depends on what they were supposed to do and whether their air forces considered them to be a success.

Over all, I would continue my assessment of the fighters of both the LW and AAF were similar in success's and failures. In this catagory, both are equal.
Why I am even argueing with you in this thread I do not know because Soren is going to ignore my posts anyhow....

Where to begin?

LoL, Britain contributed to the invasion of Italy. The USAAF alone didn't have a longer reach than the LW, both depended on captured or Allied ground to reach out further.

And could still reach out further than the Luftwaffe. Allied fighters had much better range...

You can not deny this? Fact is Fact. You can not church it up....

Soren please go back and read what you just wrote.

What is going to win the war?

A. A few things that have great quality?

B. Lots of things that have really really good quality?

Just ask yourself that question and go back and read your post again.

I really find this very funny.

Again fact is fact. History can not be changed. Dont church it up.

Soren said:
They prioritized fighter production because they realized they were hopelessly out-numbered in the air, which is also why German bombers weren't operating as intended.

And what does that tell you? They were losing the war. You are not the best airforce (overall or at any point during the war) unless you have it all and the Luftwaffe did not come close.

Again I love the Luftwaffe. My favorite planes are Luftwaffe aircraft and I think that some of the best aircraft of the war were Luftwaffe aircraft but that does not change the fact that the Luftwaffe did not have:

The Strategic Bomber Capability that the allies had. (I dont care why they did not, they did not have it. Period!)

Soren said:
Insults from Bill again, how surprising, he seems to rely on these very much.

Soren I am not trying to take sides here. I am just trying to debate something that I do not agree with you on.

However go back and read all the threads that you have ever posted and you will see that you do the same thing. I have talked to you so many times about it.

Therefor what I am saying is this before you go and say things like that, quit doing it yourself...

Soren said:
It seems Bill is spewing out lies once again.

You proved my point right there Soren.

Soren said:
11 kills to 0 losses.

While I love the Ta 152 and I truely think that it was the best piston fighter built by wars end I have to ask you this.

What did 11 kills to 0 losses do for the Luftwaffe?

Plenty, and amazingly many considering the circumstances under which it had to operate.

And again you just proved the point that the Luftwaffe was not better than the allied airforces at that time. Thankyou very much...

Bill again playing loosely with the facts..

Soren said:
The Me-262 Ar-234 were both much superior jet aircraft.

Who cares if they were superior?

Its the end result that matters....

Soren said:
The V-1 V-2 weren't inaccurate if thats what you're implying, they were infact amazingly accurate considering range travelled - London was hit with good consistancy by both weapons.

Soren I could hit something the size of London....

What you are saying does not prove accuracy.

Soren said:
As to avanced weapons equipment, the German LW employed a/c AA rockets, self-guided bombs missiles, night-vision, auto-pilots, auto-engine prop management computers etc etc..

Those are great but did they win the war?

Again how do they make the Luftwaffe better?

Could have, Should have, you got it... Did not!

Why do you bring up things that did not happen. You can not change History Soren.

So again please stop bringing that up and lets talk about what actually happened.

Soren said:
No he is clearly not, he is infact almost completely wrong.

Soren for as much as I hate agreeing with syscom, In my opinion you are the one that is wrong.

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