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Ofcourse, cause incase you didn't know Bill shooting down the bombers was the main task.
Why, yes Soren I do know that. However, The Thesis is that a.) there were many occasions in which the LW single engine fighters had local numerical superiority over the USAAF escort - and were trounced when engaged
I remember, and you have yet to provide evidence that the dedicated LW fighters weren't on a general basis out-numbered 8:1.
I gave you the order of battle for the LW over Munich in the air battles with 355 and 357FG. One, Strumstaffel 1 flew Fw190s (not A8's) and one, III./Zg26 flew Me110's. All of the rest were Me109Gs from JG26, JG3, JG 27 - there were a total of 7 Gruppe's comprised solely of Me109Gs. You committed to doing your own research to verify/deny my statement - which so far is waving your arms and babbling about 'bomber destroyers"
I stated that when we were done with this one we could move to another quick 10-20 examples.
For you to claim 8:1 in this fight that would mean approximately 1 Me 109 from each of the Staffel was 'available' to meet the 93 Mustangs. Is that your story? that all the rest were inferior bomber destroyers and therefore such Me109s don't 'count'?? Do you, really??
The bomber-interceptors don't count cause they were easy pickings, the escorts simply coming down from above picking them off either as they attacked the bombers or before or emmediately after - now what is a FW-190A armed with gunpods going to do against a Mustang at 30,000 + ft ??
Exactly two Fw190's were claimed in this fight of the 43 claimed destroyed by the two Fighter Groups, plus 10 Me110's and 31 Me109G's. Caldwell states 60 LW a/c lost in this fight. The separate engagements resulted from a.) climbing to meet the 109s to b.) diving after 109s and c.) meeting them head on. A high percentage of the scores were on the deck.
Is your thesis that because the "escorts simply picked them off" that the German pilots were stupid and didn't recognize the danger - therefore chose not to fight?, or Afraid to fight? or were just outfought? I suspect the latter but you can have your own opinion
Not only is this well above the Antons FTH, but its also directly inside the Mustangs FTH ! And the Bf-109's, well if they were after the bombers they were equipped with gun-pods, otherwise they were there to fight the escorts.
What does this have to do with the thesis of numerical superiority of LWsingle engine fighters? And, the mix is Easy for you to find out. If you don't believe my order of battle, Tony Woods has done an excellent job of listing the claims, by pilots of each staffel which made a claim - and not all staffels did. So, use your own sources to determine which of the Gustavs had 30 or 20mm pods - or which Fw190s had pods, and ask yourself "So, what" am I no longer a fighter pilot?
And b.) You're not being objective about any of it !
How do you suppose all those LW fighters got shot down Bill ?? In dogfights ?? Sorry but the answer is NO, nearly all were shot down never knowing what was coming whilst engaging the bombers. And again I ask you, what is a Anton armed with gun-pods, above its FTH, going to against a P-51 ?
They got shot down because they were outflown and outfought. The four Mustang pilots were shot down because they were outflown and outfought by Dahl and Bartels and possibly Stiglar - all superb LW Me109 Experten. The other two were downed by mid air collisions with Me110s. Nobody is making excuses about why the Mustang pilots were shot down
The bomber interceptors were easy pickings for the escorts, hence the number shot down. However as perfectly illustrated in your supposedly bad day for the LW the bomber interceptors did their work as-well, shooting down a good number of bombers, each of which holding a crew of 7-10 men. So how bad was that day really for the LW compared to how it was for the Allies ??
The thesis is not whether the LW was 'easy pickings' for the Mustang - which it mostly was - the thesis is that from Jan1-May, 1944 the LW single engine fighter force attacking bombers (or fighters) over Germany beyond the range of P-47s, FREQUENTLY outnumbered the escorts at the point of attack. But now you want to change the discussion to some nebulous 'air superiority' fighter configuration? Do you consider all Me109Gs as 'equally' helpless against the Mustang? Isn't the strategy of fighter types and mix to throw against the 8th AF a tactical decision by LW Kommandeurs?
If the Luftwaffe started getting pounded by 51s in January and didn't change tactics - wasn't that pretty stupid? But still didn't alter the fact that they frequently had numerical superiority of Fw190s and Me109s over the Mustang in that time frame.
It was a bad day for both 8th AF 1st Div bombers and JG3 and JG27 and ZG26 but a good day for the outnumbered 355th and 357th FG.
No but you have denigrated the LW huge effectiveness against enemy fighters which considering the operational enviroment was unpresidented really, and esp. on an individual plane.
Yes, I have, relative to 8th AF. Simply because the LW did Not have a huge (or even medium) effectiveness against the 8th AF Fighter Command, despite having local numerical superiority in the months I have been citing to you. As I recall the top LW scorer (Steinmann) over Mustangs had only 12 confirmed victories...with only five total (Steinmann, Bartels, Bar, Schell and Hofman) scoring more than 9 Mustangs and six over 9 Thunderbolts with top at 13 - wow THAT's EFFECTIVE, particularly for Experten that fought against the Mustang in a target rich environment for many months.
The Me-262 suffered NO structural failures or design flaws, it did however "suffer" the pitch down behavior in the transsonic speed region, however this region wasn't well explored and therefore this can't be seen as a design flaw.
Sigh - Stormbird Rising page 32 re: Me262V2 PC+UB Wk/nr 262 0000002 ""test pilot Wilhelm Ostertag was at the controls when it hit the ground. The accident was caused by a spontaneous change of tailplane incidence, and further similar crashes in other Me 262s indicated that the problem lay in the switch controlling the tailplane incidence. Following investigations, a stronger layout of the relevant moving parts - especially the hydraulic jack appear to have eradicated the result"
Soren sez 'act of god - not a flaw in teutonic design excellence' Right?
Pg 42 VI+AK "was the aircraft Hptm Thierfelder was killed in following a separation of turbine stator rings"
Soren sez - nothing to do with design - all a conspiracy to embarass Germans
Pg 30 PC+UA "On July 7, 1944 this airplane was severely damaged in a forced landing following one aft turbine section of one of the engines burning out"
For Americans in XP-80 this type incident renders the P-80 'too dangerous' despite exactly one such issue.
So -it's OK to describe the pitch down and tuck issue of the 262 as 'a region that wasn't well explored and therefor not a design flaw" but dismiss compressibility problems in 51s and 38s as "design flaws"
Read the Me-262A-1a POH as-well as this please: The Me262 and The Race to Mach1
Ive read it
And the third was the fact that the wings couldn't take more than 7-8 G's.
Soren, where in the world to you find these jewels? Facts please and I still have my Flight Manuals and FARs associated w/51s
I say the P-51 Mustang did have flaws which weren't because of borderline science but were just a plain simple error. I'm not saying it was a huge flaw as 7-8G's wasn't reached that often combat seeing that most shoot downs were the result of bounces.
They got shot down because they were outflown and outfought.
The four Mustang pilots were shot down because they were outflown and outfought by Dahl and Bartels and possibly Stiglar - all superb LW Me109 Experten. The other two were downed by mid air collisions with Me110s. Nobody is making excuses about why the Mustang pilots were shot down
Quit dodging Bill, a FW-190 or Bf-109G with gun-pods, the story is the same, maneuverability performance is decreased and this no doubt did prove decisive on many occasions. Thats fact and sorry but nomatter how much you wish to forget this Bill, you can't get around it.
Has the Fw190 and Me109 that up-gunned now become a trainer, or a transport or light bomber - some other description other than 'Single Engine Fighter'?? Did the Luftwaffe give these two aircraft a difference classification?Is that your excuse?
By early 1944 allot of the 109's in service were G-6's with no form of boost available, but even with boost flying around with gun-pods serverely hampered maneruverability performance. Yes Bill, the Bf-109's present during the incident you presented were almost exclusively carrying Gun-pods - the prime goal was after-all the bombers.
Facts please. What was the 'new' description for the 109 without boost? Mustang and Thundebolt fodder?
The Bf-109's Fw-190's weren't out-flown, fact is that most shoot downs were the result of bounces and the guy at the recieving end never knew what was coming. As for why many kills were on the deck, well std. practice for the bomber-interceptors was to hit the deck directly after their attack if Allied escorts were present, the dedicated fighters maintained altitude fought.
Good Herrenvolk should be looking, no? Only bad Germans died against the inept Mustangs whose only 'real' attribute was range - isn't that what you say below - well gee a C-47 had range over a 109 - so it must have been very formidable indeed.. suppose a 109 could whip it with 30mm pods?
That the bomber interceptors hit the deck emmdiately after their attack wasn't stupid, the LW pilots knew their a/c were at a disadvantage because of their heavy armament. And so running away after having successfully attacked the bomber stream and live to fight another day was infact the smartest move.
so they were shot down high, medium and low
As to the "Mustang killers" such as Steinmann who shot down 12, well that alone is more than the highest scoring P-51 ace in the ETO IIRC, but what this doesn't account for is that there are many other LW pilots with 1 to 2 to 3 Mustang kills who aren't listed.
There were only 48 ETO aces with more than 12 air victories - not including the MTO.. quite a few had 262 scores. As to how many had 1 or more Mustang scores you can get the pilots and the total number with awards for the P-51 from Tony Woods Data base - I know the answer Soren but accept the challenge to find out for yourself - not that many.
The point is that there are many USAAF aces with 5 or more 109s shot down - far more than the LW Experten with 5 or more Mustangs
A romantic thought but so very wrong.
By far the majority LW fighters shot down weren't out-flown, they were simply bounced shot down.
ROFLMO - facts Soren
And the dedicated LW fighters who stayed and fought were grossly out-numbered.
Brave fellows , those 7 1/2 LW fighters who challenged the 93
Facts Soren
LoL you crack me up !
Facts, Soren - although on this subject I acknowledge your expertise!
Bill you are made up of excuses, they were shot down by experten you claim !
I do MY research Soren. I know when Hillman and Norman were shot down and where they were shot down and where they were buried. One was Muhldorf 1345-1347 and one was Waldkraiburg in same time. Jack Sturm was 'probably (not certain) with them when he was shot down by a 109 and became POW. Look to see where Bartels (2 Mustang claims), Dahl (one) at 1345-1347.. then make your own judgements - but look! rather than beat your gums!!
If you accept Tony Woods Claim Lists for 24 April, 1944 please reference it to see what you might see and make your own judgement. The operative instruction is do the RESEARCH and post FACTS
Quit your glorification of the Mustang please, cause it was nothing special besides having better range than most fighters.
But somehow it just struggled along against the superior German skills and tools - what luck, Bon Chance!
Another fact you so happily keep avoiding is the fact that fuel was in low supply for the LW, so low that a full tank wasn't always possible, which meant that is some cases LW fighters had to leave the fight in fear of running out of fuel. And on top of this the a/c who went flying were many times piloted by men who lacked sufficient training - but ofcourse in your imaginary world this has no significance at all
OFF Topic Soren, you keep avoiding the Thesis of Mustangs locally outnumbered, trashing single engine LW fighters, being flown with fuel in their tanks by rated German Fighter pilots.
You keep describing the 109s with gun pods as 'bomber destroyers'. You keep finding excusses for why the great LW pilots in far superior aircraft in the Best Air Force were somehow defeated by those mongrels from America
As to the Me-262,
You just qouted the flight results of a PROTOTYPE model !
Good luck next time Bill
Its funny Bill cause you don't provide facts yourself, all you do is quote lines from already biased books on the subject.
Anyways keep on the dodging Bill, you're doing an excellent job at doing so so far.
Excellent posting and first class site, many thanks. For me the most telling line is at the and of the page containing these statistics.
4.06 times as many aircraft were lost in combat in the West than were lost in the East, a ratio reasonably close to Groehler's 3.41 for all "losses". The most chilling statistic for the JG 26 pilots appears in the sortie data. An airplane flying a combat mission in the West was 7.66 times more likely to be destroyed than one on a similar mission in the East. It is clear that the burden of sacrifice was borne by the Luftwaffe aircrew on the Western Front and over the Reich, not on the Eastern Front.
From the site you quoted from Bill:
"The figures represent a remarkable ratio of claim v loss, especially when the hectic activities of the late war period are taken into consideration. Often outnumbered and fighting a defensive campaign against mass RAF and USAAF bomber formations escorted by hundreds of fighters, the "Schlageter" Geschwader did it's best to help stem the onslaught."
The above doesn't exactly strenghten your little theory Bill.
Also you have yet to answer my question of how big a tragedy that day supposedly was for the LW considering that each USAAF bomber they shot down contained 7 or more men ? If you ask me the tragedy was alot more apparent at the USAAF.