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Best WWII automatic weapon

Best WWII Automatic weapon

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I have to go with the MP40, easy to produce, compact and a 32 rounds magazine.Of course the Thompson did have more stopping power but it had more recoil than the MP40.
I like the PPSH best in the video game, :), Medal of Honor. It shoots for one many bullets in a small space, and it's got 20 rounds more than the Thompson.
I purposly stayed out of this thread because I've only fired two types of
MG's.... a BAR on a bipod and the ole M3A1. My first day in Nam they gave
me an M1 Carbine, and hustled my butt to Chu Lai where I hooked up with
the ROK's. Less than a week later one of our "advisors" an Air Force S/Sgt
was wounded and sent back to Da Nang. He "willed" me his M3A1. It
was better than what the ROK's were carrying.... 12 Ga. shotguns, M1's
and one Thompson in the bunch. The Lt had that.

The only problem I had was the feed mechanism. It never really jammed,
but once or twice an ejected round wouldn't completely clear. The oil
reservoir was something else, tho.

The BAR I shot at Fort Mead, and that was a "lemme try that" kinda thing.
But I did vote for the M3A1......

Well guys I have read with interest all the replies...And just speaking for me
this is what I think...I was a Marine grunt and during my 2 hitches I got to fire
and be fired upon with a lot of the weapons mentioned, except the Owen and
the Beretta...All will kill and do it right smartly. The hardest weapon I ever had to hump was the Browning 1918A, this little hunk of iron wasn't heavy,
just awkward...Ma Deuce is nice to have in support whether on a trak or in
a defensive fire(mad minute) or FPF(Final Protective Fire)...M60 is a HOG
and in combat everybody even the Docs humped spare ammo for it....SMGs
are really only good for close up, where as the M2, M60, and the BAR can
reach out and wreak havoc on a group of enemy trying to push thru your pos.

If you read about Edson's Ridge (aka Raider Ridge) on the Canal, you will see
that those Gyrenes were using 50 cals with water jacketsto defend their pos
and the airfield behind...In the daylight in front of the pos the Japs were in

Two last things....Has anybody ever noticed they always give the BAR to the
feather-merchant? And did you know that according to the Geneva
Convention it is unlawful (read a BIG NO NO) to use the M2 or any other
HMG against troops?
lucanus said, "And did you know that according to the Geneva
Convention it is unlawful (read a BIG NO NO) to use the M2 or any other
HMG against troops?"

I don't believe that is true. Please cite the provision that states that.
lucanus said, "And did you know that according to the Geneva
Convention it is unlawful (read a BIG NO NO) to use the M2 or any other
HMG against troops?"

I don't believe that is true. Please cite the provision that states that.

This is a common misconception; there is nothing in the GC that says anything about using large-caliber weapons against personnel. It may be unethical to use a Barrett M82 against a human target, but it is not unlawful. Marine Corps training does not encourage using 50-cal weapons against human targets; however, it does not specifically forbid it, either. Depending on the given situation, it may be necessary to employ large-caliber weapons (including 20mm 25mm weapons, such as the Bushmaster cannon mounted on AH-64's, M-2's M-3's) against human targets. I know for a fact that the 25mm Bushmaster cannons on Bradley APC's were used against human targets during the invasion of Irag, particularly during the "Thunder Run" up Highway 8 shortly after US forces entered Baghdad for the first time (source: Thunder Run: The Armored Strike To Capture Baghdad, by David Zucchino).
SoD Stitch and Jank,
I was taught that it was against the GC while in the Marines, but like the instructor finished -:rolleyes:
"Why put em on tanks and traks? To shoot up tanks or knock down jets?!?!?"
:rolleyes: :rolleyes:
The bit about the BAR was a joke and I believed that most of you guys
with military training - would see the Ma Deuce bit as one too.
Sorry my fault...:oops:
...I know for a fact that the 25mm Bushmaster cannons on
Bradley APC's were used against human targets during the
invasion of Irag, particularly during the "Thunder Run" up
Highway 8 shortly after US forces entered Baghdad for the
first time (source: Thunder Run: The Armored Strike To
Capture Baghdad, by David Zucchino). SoD Stitch

Now I am not trying to start something...But to state:
'I know for a fact'
Implies to me you saw it done or your real name is David Zucchino.
I know that what I said:
Ma Deuce is nice to have in support whether on a
trak or in a defensive fire(mad minute) or FPF(Final Protective
Fire)...M60 is a HOG and in combat everybody even the Docs humped spare
ammo for it....SMGs are really only good for close up, whereas the M2, M60,
and the BAR can reach out and wreak havoc on a group of enemy trying
to push thru your pos.
Is a fact, cause I was there firing the 'mad minute/FPF', I have also seen
106mm RRs fire their beehive rounds to breakup NVA assaults...I was
never really inclined to use the GC, for I feared it was created by Pols
and do-gooders after a conflict, not by warriors who know
that you do whatever it takes to survive and complete your mission.
These are my statements as I experienced them and are not told
to start a brouhaha...
Now I am not trying to start something...But to state:

Implies to me you saw it done or your real name is David Zucchino.
I know that what I said:

Is a fact, cause I was there firing the 'mad minute/FPF', I have also seen
106mm RRs fire their beehive rounds to breakup NVA assaults...I was
never really inclined to use the GC, for I feared it was created by Pols
and do-gooders after a conflict, not by warriors who know
that you do whatever it takes to survive and complete your mission.
These are my statements as I experienced them and are not told
to start a brouhaha...

Okay, okay, maybe I was a little too literal in my statement . . . you're right: unless I was there and actually saw it happen, or I was the one actually manning the M2 turret, I don't know it "for a fact", I'm just going off of what was written by someone who was there and saw it happen (i.e.: David Zucchino).

So, I'm not trying to start anything, either, I'm just relaying what I have read and what I believe to be is true. Nobody is infallible (well, except for my father-in-law, but that's another story), least of all me, and I'm sure I'll be wrong again. I cannot claim to have been "there", as some of you can, so I may talk out of my ass from time to time. You have the right to put me in my place if I start spouting BS . . .
USMC defines small arms as those 40mm and below. The St Petersburg Declaration placed limits on the use of rounds less than 400g that are explosive/incendiary. The US was not a member of this treaty, nor does it recognize it.
The ROK's carried shotguns in "Nam". Remington pump, 12 ga. loaded with
00 Buck and slug. A couple of them had been sawed off.... both barrell
and stock..... I guess for close quarters.

The ROK's carried shotguns in "Nam". Remington pump, 12 ga. loaded with
00 Buck and slug. A couple of them had been sawed off.... both barrell
and stock..... I guess for close quarters.


I also know (and, no, I won't say "for a fact"!) that shotguns are an "official" sidearm of the Special Forces, Delta in particular; they seem to prefer the Mossberg 500-series of shotguns for CQB.

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