No, but in reality the LW didn't need to "convert" an existing type, with the exception of the Bf 109 Emil. At the outbreak of the war the LW had the largest fleet of reconnaissance aircraft of any air force. It had dedicated tac recon, strategic recon and all manner of aircraft capable of doing the job. Perhaps there wasn't a need for the Fw 187 to do the job when Bf 109s and Bf 110s were already doing it?
It is one thing to do a job, another thing is do a job in a great fashion. Bf 109s and 110s were excellent against 2nd tier air defence (French), let alone 3rd tier (Polish, Belgian, Dutch, Norwegian). Not so much against the top-tier air defence that was the case with what UK had with RAF FC.
Me - I'd forget both Bf 110 and Fw 187, and go with Bf 109 only. Recon job to be done by V12-powered Do-17 (the version with streamlined canopy). If we must have a force of 2-engined fighters, I'd do it in the same way (fighters 109s, recons Do 17s), with Fw 187 + DB 601 in 2-engine fighter role.