BF 109 vid

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Aren't there any other authentic non-flyable Bf's left in museums? I know a lot of them left over are the spanish version, but I thought there was still a few german ones left.
There's a Bf 109 E flying, which apparently once belonged to Hans Joachim Marseille.
Also, i read there are several 109s being restored to flying condition around the world.
Soundbreaker Welch? said:
Aren't there any other authentic non-flyable Bf's left in museums? I know a lot of them left over are the spanish version, but I thought there was still a few german ones left.

Yeah there a quite a few non flying ones around, There is at least two at the RAF museum in Hendon, an E model in the Battle of Britain display and a G model that was captured in North Africa and was flying at one point I think and may have crashed and been retired also there is that one (crashed) at Duxford. Photographic proof provided below, I'm sure there are more in museums around the world.


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I have already post this vid before..
good one.

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