Ofcourse HP means nothing without knowing prop efficiency, but the speeds of the a/c compared to the overall drag give a very good idea of this.
The problem with having a very good idea about Thrust is that just to obtain the value you have to back it out by matching the level flight max speed at specific altitudes Hp, blower settings then calculate the Drag by adding the Cdwet to Induced drag using the equations - thereby creating a load balance.
Ok - that is good for one altitude, level flight, one RPM, One Boost and trimmed for level flight..
For high angle of attack situations, propellers lose a certain percentage of efficiency.. Turns would be an example of that. It would be different for different a/c and honestly I don't know the difference between the typical three paddle blade common for the 109 and 190 and the 11' four blade Hamilton Standard.
For every altitude and power setting you can solve for thrust, but you have to solve for it. I'm researching my textbooks to see if I can find enough about propeller theory to shed light on efficencies as a function of AoA from the Thrust Line, and whether or not it corresponds to AoA of the wing-body in a linear way.
So, an accurate baseline CDwet for each aircraft has to be established. Lednicer's Report has the figures for 190A-8 and 190d-9 and Spit IX and 51B and D - are those the ones we will use?
Second, which set of Speed versus altitude, Per Hp/Boost condition charts are going to be the common view?
I would propose to use one rpm and boost for all the altitudes to simplify the math and comparisons? and assume that the propeller efficiencies as a funtion of AoA be ignored.
But we need to decide the altitudes to drive the Thrust calculations results, need to have the set of Hp to altitude charts to agree that comparisons in the 'saw tooth context' and note the gross weight of the a/c in the tests above the empty weight..
I am ok to use the USAAF flight test results on both the P-51B and P-51D instead of Manufacturer but if the results, for example, used for German a/c by manufacturer are not aligned with LW Test results we will have a question as to accuracy..