Bf 109G batch build 1/72, FM x3 Tam x1

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today 40% yelllow and 60% light gray once and then 60% and 40% after that.

tomorrow i'll spray almost pure yellow. Painting yellow sucks, i with this method i still find it easier than white.


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i think they're ready for gloss tomorrow?
RA G-4
Finnish G-6
Hungarian G-10


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so, i almost jumped to the gloss today. Luckily i was looking through my reference pictures when i noticed i had forgotten something…. the leading edge waves. So rolled out some bluetac/poster putty, used a brush handle to make the shapes, and sprayed some more 76.

Very happy with how the turned out.


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all glossed up. I did notice that i had forgotten that the underside of the wingtips on the Finnish G-6 need to be yellow.


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