bf109 F series

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Airman 1st Class
Nov 27, 2013
Looking for some good reference pictures regarding the BF109 F series, preferably the F4/F4tropical versions.

I'm currently making a in-game 3d texture of a US/RAF captured 109F4. (I'll provide that picture below) Basically I'm looking for pictures that show the typical engine cowlings oil leaks, exhaust weathering and typical wartime weathering of the engine area itself. Anything will help and Hopefully when I complete the project I will share it with you all!

THanks in advance.

Uhmm... Bf109G-2/trop X8-7 named 'Irmgard' which was captured by the 87th Fighter Squadron, 79th Fighter Group. War Prizes includes a photo of this aircraft while still in Tunisia before transfer to Wright Field. (page 184) Irmgard' originally operated as a reconnaissance aircraft with 2 (H)/14 and was coded 14. It was shot down by British troops near Zarzis in Tunisia March 1, 1943. The wrk nr was either 14329 or 14629. The 87th repainted the code x8-7 on Irmgard and also added the Group's insignia as can be seen in the photo above. Irmgard was apparently not flown but was used for structural tests

see here: Neat photograph of a Bf-109 in American markings
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