5/KGzbV-172(9/39), I/KG-50(12/42), Stab/JG-301, 1/JG-300(6/43), Stfkpt 1/NJGr-10, Kdr I/NJG-11 (8/44 to end)He 177, Fw 190A-6 Wk# 550453 "Green 3" & Fw 190A-6 Werk # 550717 (lost 10/22/43; crash @ Gummelsbach due to engine fire) in JG-300, Bf 109G-10/AS "Green 3" also in JG-300, Bf 109G-6/AS "Red 2" in 1/NJG-10, Bf 109G-14 (w/30 vics on Rudder) & Fw 190A (both in NJG-11) RK(7/27/44)
Deutsches Kreuz - Gold(10/19/43)
EK 1 & 2
Wnd Bdg
Transport & Night Fighter Oper.Clsp in Brnz52 missions as a Night Fighter. 30 Night victories, 23 of them with the "Wilde Sau" unit. One known victory, a Halifax at Margraf Cologne on 4 July, 1943, believed to be the first "Wilde Sau" victory. Two known victories on 11 August, 1943, a Halifax 5 km NNE of the Biblis airfield and a 2nd Halifax at Vermütlich, N of Heidelberg. A Lancaster 10 km NW of Swinemünde on 17 August, 1943. Two Stirlings in the Berlin area on 24 August, 1943. A Lancaster 25 km SE of Munich on 7 September, 1943. A Mosquito at Eindhoven on 23 August, 1944. A Lancaster NW of Frankfurt a. Main on 12 September, 1944. Another double victory, both Lancasters on 4 December, 1944; one at Wörth-Lautersbad, the other SW of Karlsrühe. His 28th, an "e/a" on 14 January, 1945. His last known victories, his 29th & 30th, were both "e/a" on 21 February, 1945. He flew the He 177 in KG-50. Nicknamed "Nasen Müller". Another source notes the Werk Number for his A-6 as "350453", the 3 replacing the 5. Deceased 2 November, 1987.
A list of all known Axis Powers pilots and crew 1939 - 1945