Bf109G-10 Erla "Black 11" - Revell 1/32

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Senior Master Sergeant
Jul 1, 2014
Carlsbad, CA
This is the Revell 1/32 Bf109G-10 Erla finished as Black 11 of 14/JG300. The aftermarket goodies I purchased for this build were:

1. Alley Cat Models 109G-10 Erla Correction Set
2. Alley Cat Models 109G-10 Small Wing Bulges
3. RB Productions Luftwaffe Harnesses
4. Quickboost Revi 16B Gun Sights
5. Decals from EagleCal

Due to various issues, I did not use all of the Alley Cat items, most notably the small wing bulges (fit issues), spinner (off-center) and gun cowling (warped). I thought the Revell kit was excellent... good fit, great detail and lots of options including separately molded control surfaces. There were some headscratching choices made by Revell (landing gear molded into three separate parts, modular wing assembly) but the good fit made up for it.

The full build can be found here...
Thanks people! I enjoyed the kit very much and thought Revell did a great job on it. Lots of room for improvement in my work as I look at my pictures!

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